Should students have assigned seats in school?

Most classes in school have assigned seats so students don't talk a lot or get distracted. It turns out that it could be benificial for students to sit where they want to sit. Sitting by someone you like can give you more confidence to raise your hand and ask questions. A teacher, Mrs. Umland, said "if kids are happy and comfortable, they are more willing to learn". Shes been teaching for 19 years and said she'll never go back to seating charts. If students could pick where they sit then they can sit where they can see the board easily depending on how good their eyesight is and it doesn't make the teacher have to fix the seating chart. Students could get assigned to sit by someone they dislike and it can be uncomfortable for both of the students.

Although, in the beginning of the school year its benificial for teachers to have assigned seats. Its easier to remember students names because you can look at the seating chart. There are kids who like to talk a lot so letting them sit wherever they want could also distract them and other students. It can be harder for students to learn that way if they sit by their friends. If your seating charts are alphebetical then its easier to turn in grades. When papers are in alphebetical order teachers can enter in grades easier. Seating charts can be good for teachers because if theres a kid who doesn't like to listen or does things they're not supposed to then the teacher could move the student closer to their desk. Some students might not know who to sit next to and see everyone else has someone to sit by except them. Letting them choose where to sit can be stressful for the student.


Do you like assigned seating?

Do you think there should be assigned seating?

Why should/ shouldn't students have assigned seats?



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  • I think sitting where ever we want is more benificial. We can ask our friends for help instead of interrupting the class to ask questions. I think the people that mess around too much and disrupt the class an be moved later. 

  • I hate assinged seating. I think its dumb that teachers think itll help us get to know everyone better but it also ruins that teachers class most of the time. Because, when you sit with who you want the class is a lot more fun and you get more work done becasue your working as a team. 

  • I think we should be allowed to sit where we want. But at the same time most people will sit in the same spot either way. It really isn't a problem if you get assigned a seat like most of the classes have. I honestly don't mind having to be assigned a seat but if I had to choose where to sit I would. 

    • I agree, it doesn't bother me that much either but if I got to pick it would be nice. It would make people want to come to class more too knowing they can sit by their friends.

  • I don't like the idea of assigned seating. I understand if a group of people always sit and talk together and disrupt the class, but then separate the obnoxious students afterward. I think that having the students be able to choose where they sit would be better for the kids.

  • I would like to have open seating, but I do understand why we have assigned seating. It does help us learn better because we aren't distracted by our classmates and friends. I also think it can be more beneficial for sudents to meet more people and they can help us pay attention more.

    • Yes, its a hard choice to chose because seating charts or not there are pros and cons for them. It depends on the class and the people.

  • As a student, I would like to not have to have assigned seats. However, I do believe that this helps to learn. I believe that if we could sit by our friends in every class then we would not pay attention and we would not learn anything. I think that assigned seats are a good thing for us students.

    • Yes, it would be really nice not to have assigned seats but some people do have trouble paying attention. Expecially the chatty people it would probably stress the teacher out.

  • I do not like assigned seating. I do not think that there should be assigned seating, however, I know that it can be beneficial for people that do not have anyone to sit by. I think that kids should not because if these kids learn to make their own mature decisions, it can benefit them for the rest of their lives.

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