Everyday students get told they should do something extra with the school, whether that be sports, band, student council, ect. Most students would agree that doing an extracurricular activity is good. So the question is do you think students should be required to do an extracurricular activity?


Most studies show that doing extra activities can help improve your behavior, academic ability, and have more positive attitudes. Although most teenage students have jobs and chores outside of school they still are involved with a lot of things. Most staff at schools push you to do something helping the school. 


Many students would agree with taking extra curricular activities but they do not think it should be required. Studies also show that being involved more with the school can give you more social opportunities, help you have essential life skills, and it looks good on your resume. 


As a student, I think being more involved in your school helps you do better in school and make more friends. Overall it’s just an easier way to embrace yourself through your school?


Do you think students should be required to take extra curricular activities?


Do you think it helps with social skills? 



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  • I don't think they should be required, not everyone wants to be involved in their school more then they need to be. People could also have jobs and other things they would rather do after school. 

  • In my opinion extra curricular activities should not be required but they should always be an available optiont for the people that want to be in them. In my opinion it helps with social skills for the reason that you interact with other people that are not your friends. It will help to improve making friends skills.

  • I don't think extra curricular activities should be required, but it would help get kids involved. Also it could help with social skills. But some kids would rather work then do a sport or activity, so I do not think they should require them.

  • I don't think that we should have extracurriculer activities be required, mainly because a lot of kids are busy. They have jobs, have to do chore, they have homework. Imagine how much time they would have to manage when they added an extracurricular too. I think that some students also do things outside of the school too, like 4-H, dance, volunteer work, ect. If they don't want to do something, why should it be forced on them.

  • I think that extra curricular activities should't be required because it stands in the name. Extra. I wouldn't do a sport if I didn't want to. Social skills could increase but there are still people who may think they are better at an activity than other people. This could cause problems in sports, band, clubs, and even with friends.

  • I don't think that extra curricular activities should be required. Many students already struggle enough in school or have a lot going on outside the school. In my view, it should be open to the students if they want to get more involved in the school. 

    • I mostly agree with this, a lot of students struggle with their homework and adding more stuff onto that can be hard. However, I do think its good to have these extra activity open to the students. 

  • I think it is good for students to be in extracurricular activities. But I don't think it should be required, I mean if some students don't want to be in any extracurricular activies, why should they be forced to. All a matter of choice really. 

  • I don't think we have to take extra curricular activites, not many students find intrest in sports or music and the school should'nt make them take those to graduate. I belive its a students choice. 

  • I think we should be required to take at least two because it shows the kids that some people have simmilar intrest as them and they could possibly make more friends. Other people may say that it is just a waste of time, in some cases it is because the kid may not like it.

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