Should Smoking Cigarettes Be Banned?

     Cigarettes are a thin cylinder of cut tobacco rolled in paper for smoking. They can lead to many different consequences that could eventually lead to troubles. There are many reasons why cigarettes are dangerous, but the main one is that it can lead to lung cancer. Cigarettes can also lead to other diseases, for example, heart diseases, and diabetes.

     People think that cigarettes should be banned due to the harm they cause. If they smoke in public it could end up harming people around them. Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths around the world. It is linked to a lot of diseases, lung cancer being among them. Approximately 127,070 lives are lost annually in just the U.S. due to lung cancer. Heart diseases are also another consequence that could end up happening if you smoke. About 695,000 people die of heart disease in the U.S. annually. Another major illness that people can get due to smoking is diabetes. Around 1.5 million people die from this illness per year. Thus, so many people get diagnosed of different illnesses that can be linked to smoking.

     There are also other people who think that smoking should not be banned. They think it shouldn't be banned because they should be able to have the freedom to choose wether they want to smoke or not. They believe that since it is their body they should be able to do what they want with it, even if it means harming it. If smoking did get banned it would not just affect the people that are addicted to smoking, but it would also affect the tobacco industry. The tobacco industry is one of the big contributors to our economy. If it got banned many people would lose their jobs and would be jobless.

     I think that there should definitely be some restrictions when it comes to promoting cigarettes. I also think that people should not be allowed to smoke in public places where children could be around. Smoking around children for a long time could end up harming them. 


Should smoking be banned?

Should there be certain restrictions?


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    • I agree, I don't know why people put themselves in a position that can end up killing them and harming others.

  • I don't think smoking should be banned, although it may be bad, I think its just up to the people if they want to smoke or not. I think there are enough restrictions for smoking, there could be lots of more restrictions, but people will just find a way around it. Theres tons of information about how bad smoking is for people and the possible outcomes that could lead from it, like death.

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    • That's what I'm saying. Why have something that is unhealthy and dangerous to people and our environment?

  • I do not think that smoking should be banned. Though smoking is not a good thing, it does help with the economy, and for that reason, I do not think that it should be banned. I do however think that restrictions should be put in place to lower the amount of risk when smoking. Or by taking out the nicotine of the cigarettes making them less addicting. 

  • I think it would be beneficial if smoking was banned because it is really bad for you and causes a lot of deaths. If smoking didn't get banned then I think there should be restrictions on it. I think that it should either be banned or have restricitons since it is so bad for you and could kill you.

  • I don't think that smoking should be banned. I understand why people would want it banned, but if you start with smoking, then why not alcohol too? I think that having an age limit on drugs and alcohol is a good idea, but I don't see why we need anything more beyond that.

  • Smoking should defidentally be banned both because of the harm for the user and the people around them. Second hand smoking is also very harmful for your health and can cause many diseases. Even if they aren't very close to the smoker, they could get an idea that smoking is fun and not harmful. It can make kids think that it's ok to smoke. I think that it defindentall should be banned for the sake of everyone's health.

  • I personialy belive that somking should not be banned for one very big reason. If we ban smoking you know whats ganna happen, people will illegaly make a produce cigerates and sell them for large pfrofit. Banning smoking would just bring more crime to are towns and citys.

    • I disagree, smoking should be banned. It harms a lot of people that smoke and that are around smokers.

  • I think that cigarettes should be banned. Cigarettes aren't doing anyone good. And even if you don't smoke, it is affecting you. Cigarettes are not good for anyone and the world around us, they are doing no good to people. If they are unable to ban smoking, they should put restrictions on them.

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