Some people say that cell phones are a distraction in class which could be true and that they prevent socialization. But then there are some people that disagree with it because parents want to be able to track their children and/or check in with them just to make sure they’re safe or just how they're doing.

A School in Florida has recently banned cell phones and made it so students can’t have their phones so sometimes students have to go to the office just to ask if they can check their phones. But some parents weren’t happy saying that their kids should be able to contact them during their free periods. But then there were some good reasons for the ban such as kids filming things in the bathrooms that they called, “Toilet TikToks”, and that students are more talkative and making more eye contact.

I think that there are good and bad reasons for the cell phone ban, because like it said before, banning cell phones can probably help improve socialization. But not banning cell phones can be good because if students still have their cell phones, they can contact their parents or cops if there's ever an emergency.

Do you think schools should ban cell phones?

Should you be able to have your phone on you in class?,kidnappings%2C%20accidents%2C%20and%20assaults.

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  • Cell phones should not be banned for the same reason that we bring them for emergencies and to stay in touch with our parents or relatives, and for those who do not use them for that, it is something else, I think I could be in class and with my cell phone because I'm not one of those people who have a cell phone and get distracted by it, playing or watching other things.

  • No, I dont think that schools should ban cell phones, I think that they should be able to have them out in class unless the teacher says they can. Yes, it can be important to have it on you in class, your mom or dad could call with some important news. 

  • In some ways it's okay to ban them because it's a big distraction in class, but I think they could just take them during class, but not all day long, because students might need to be in communication with their parents.

  • I could definitely see why they would want to ban it because I think that they can be huge distractions. I think that in certain classes they should remove the phones and keep them regulated. I think they are good for communication and are needed. 

  • I don't think school's should ban phones because there are situations where kids need them throughout the day. I don't see a problem with them as long as they aren't on them when the teacher is talking during class. Students might need them for an emergency.

  • I don't think schools should ban phones because it is an easy way for students to keep in contact with their parents if they need to know what they are doing after school. I think that is there isn't anything happening in class then students should be alout to be on their phones.

  • I do not think school should ban phones. I feel as if the student of every school distirct should be able to use phones as long as students aren't on them all the time. Student need to be able to talk to their parents when they need something like if they need ride or don't feel good.

  • I don't think they should ban it just because what if there was an emergency or something and your parents needed to contact you. You should atleast have it in your pocket instead of just having it in like a cubby.

  • I do not think phones should be takin because if you need to talk to your parent you couldn't becasuse your phone is tooken away. I think that you should be able to have your phone but like if your on it i think that when people abuse it is when teachers should be tooken.

  • I don't think school should ban cell phones. Students should be able to check in with their parents if they need to, especially for private matters. Many students at our school also use their phones for checking their grades and making hall passes.

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