Should school start at a later time

Studies have shown that it would be more healthy for students mental wellness if schools started at a later time. Some students in the morning can't focus or work as well then later in the day since they're much more tired. Most studies say that school should from times of 8:30am or 9:30am. "These start times are too early, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Middle and high schools should start at 8:30 a.m. or later to give students the opportunity to get the sleep they need." Most students who also come to school are too tired for anything and end up falling asleep in class causing them to possibly fall behind in class and are more likely to fail.

Pros: More sleep, more likely to be in a better mood, and more focus and class

Cons: School will end at a later time, troubles with scheduling sports events after school, and could mess with parents schedules. 




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  • I think that we should try to start school at 7:30 because you would have 30 more minutes at the end of school to use. You could run more errands and have more time to do homework. I think that if you started school later, kids would go to bed later.

  • I think that school starting at 8 is fine because we get out at 3. If we wanted to start at a later time we would get out later than we do know causing us not to have a lot of time outside with friends or family. We wouldn't be able to start school later and end at 3 because we need to have a certain amount of hours in school.

  • I think that It would not be a bad idea if school started later. The more sleep students get in the morning the more focussed students will be in school. The only downfall is students who are in sports will be at the school later practicing. 

  • I think we would all enjoy sleeping in a little extra I know I would, however I dont think I would like it as much. There would be less time in the evenings for dinner and activites going on during the week and I could see transportation being a problem for some kids getting to school if parents have to leave to head to work earlier.

  • I think if students have more time to rest,  it could improve their moods and not make Mondays such a chore. 

  • I would honestly really enjoy a later starting time for all schools to start at. I hate getting up early so I think starting school at 9:00 to 9:30 would be a perfect time to start school instead of the current one at 8:00.

  • School shouldn't start at a later time because we would get of school later. I personally think the amount of time I have to do things when I get out of school and/or practice is the perfect amount of time.

    • I agree since people who do sports usually try to make things line up in their schedule.

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