Should school start at a later time

Studies have shown that it would be more healthy for students mental wellness if schools started at a later time. Some students in the morning can't focus or work as well then later in the day since they're much more tired. Most studies say that school should from times of 8:30am or 9:30am. "These start times are too early, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Middle and high schools should start at 8:30 a.m. or later to give students the opportunity to get the sleep they need." Most students who also come to school are too tired for anything and end up falling asleep in class causing them to possibly fall behind in class and are more likely to fail.

Pros: More sleep, more likely to be in a better mood, and more focus and class

Cons: School will end at a later time, troubles with scheduling sports events after school, and could mess with parents schedules. 




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  • Good topic choice Micheal! Your summary is a tad brief abd you only commented once. Posted late as well.

  • I think it would be very nice to start later at school everyday in my personal opinion. Although that would mean we would have to stay at school later or go for more days at the end of the year. Which I don't think is worth it in my opinion. So starting school at eight in the morning is fine with me. 

  • I would rather start later. Lately I've been struggling with sleep, even by going to bed earlier. it's just the fact that teens tend to be more awake at night and sleepy in the mornings. 

  • I think that we would all like if school started later in the day, but I think that it would make us a little less productive. Yes, we would maybe have more energy, but also, it would mess with everyone's schedules, and would restrict time after school for activities.

  • I feel like that if people go to school later they would have more energy throughout the day. but you could also say that people would have less energy near the end of the day.

  • I personally think we should get a different starting time, just a small change though, I'm the type of person who isn't very happy in the moring until i've had coffee and even then im still tired. So I think around 9:00 should be the starting time.

  • I would personally not like school to start later because then it would feel like i am in school longer because of getting out of school at 4:00 or 3:30 rather than getting out at 3:00. But if school did start later i think that students would have a better attitude because they're getting more sleep.

  • I dont think that we should go later because if we do than we would have to go after 3:00 and must people are tired by than. but like you said we would get more sleep and we could be in a better mood. 

  • I think that school starts at the right time because, i think that people have enough time to get ready and we get out at 3 which leaves you the rest of the day to do what ever, and if it started at like 8:30, we would have to stay longer and i dont want to do that.

  • I think that are school starts at the right time. I think that it starts and gets over at a good time. I have a schedule built up and I like it.

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