Should Parents Monitor Their Kids Social Media Activity?


A lot of people are concerned about how parents know that their children are playing it safe on the internet. Most people think that children should let their parents track what they are doing online. There are different settings that parents could set for their children on their phone. Parents are concerned about the online predators. We know there is a problem with younger children getting trafficked or even talking to little children. These predators are trying to take advantage of these little kids by bribing them with different things that those little kids would like. There are in fact ways for parents to change the settings on certain apps where their kids profile won’t show up for the public and it’s only shown for their friends. 

Along with the different predators and safety issues on social media apps. Parents are concerned about their children’s screen time. Most parents feel guilty with going on their children’s phone and invading their privacy on those social media apps. For young children it would be very important to set screen limits just to allow them to do other things besides spending most of their time on their phones. I think that for younger children it would make sense that their screen time on their social media. For older teenagers and young adults we shouldn’t necessarily have screen limits. Most of us keep ourselves busy with sports, school, jobs, family, etc. I think it’s important that we know about the online predators and the certain effects the more screen time we use. 


Do you think parents should monitor their children’s social media? Why or why not?

If your parents put restrictions on your phone, what would you do? 

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    • I do agree with you and see where you're coming from. It would also make sense if parents had some control over what their children were doing. I can see the privacy part and also I do agree that some social media apps reduce stress and are good things to be on. Not every social media app is bad. 

  • I dont think that parents should monitor there kids social media because the kids should have more freedom on there phones and on there social media.

    If my parents put restrictions on my phone I would just remove them but if they werent able to be removed than I would just leave them.

    • I agree with you because I think that parents should allow some privacy for their children and I don't think their phones should be checked unless their is a complete vailid reason for it. I would also do the same thing if my parents put restricitons on my phone because I don't think I would like having them their for no reason.

  • I don't really think that parents should get really involved in their children's social media because their children have the right to be an individual without an adult checking everything they do. What comes into play here is age. I mean if it's an 8-year old that is active in social media then their parents should monitor it, but if it's a 15-year old I don't think that they should be all over about it because their kids need a little bit of privacy. 

  • I think parents should monitor their kids social media if they are under a certain age. If the kid is around 14-15 they shouldn't do it anymore. If I have kids, I'm going to put a screen time on their phones when they are younger. When they get to a certain age, I will take it off.

    • I agree with you because I think it depends on their age and whether or not the parents think that the parent need it or whether or not the child is responisble enough to handle it on their own.

  • Parents shouldn't put restrictions on a child's phone unless the child is under 13 years old. Most app and sites that are considered social media are 13+ but parents should have somethings revealed to them. Why would someone tell personal things on social media but not tell their parents. If a person tyrns 18 then their parents don't need to know everything. 

  • I think it depends on your age. If your like 9 then yes, parents should be monitor what they do online. However, if your a teen and your like 16, then I think they should have there own privacy. I think its there own fault if they get in truoble with something online. I don't know what I would do if I have restrictions on my phone, I guess I would be on it when I could be. 

    • I agree with you because it would make a difference if they were younger and if the parents feel that the child needs it then they should be able too.

  • I think that it all depends on what the parent opinion is on about social media, or if they trust their child enough that they wouldn't have to. I believe that they shouldn't because it's more of an invasion of privacy and could cause trust issues between family members.

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