Should Netflix be sued for the Jeffrey Dahmer show?

If you've been on Netflix lately you have probably heard of the show, “The Jeffrey Dahmer Story”. This is a show about a psychotic, murderer, caniball, who killed and ate over 17 males. They Did a very good job at explaining and showing how Jeff grew up and survived and they told his story very well. But not everyone was pleased with this show. Rita Isbell, the sister of a man Jeff had killed, is suing Netflix for making this series and saying they're just trying to make money out of a tragedy. Personally I find this show very interesting and I do not think they should take it down but I see her point of view too.


I understand her anger and how this show on netflix could be bringing back some PTSD, from her brother being murdered. but I also think it could also be a good thing to tell the world about these innocent people who were killed and just forgotten about, and also so many more people know exactly how much of a monster Jeffery Dahmer is. 


Rita described how she tried watching the show on netflix but couldn’t get through. Having to see her actor play Rita saying the words she said and reenacting the emotion and pain she had up there talking about her brother who was killed. Rita ends with saying she does not want this show on netflix anymore and doesn’t think it’s right to have made a show about it. She also dislikes that Netflix made her an actor without getting her permission first. Rita said watching her part at the court made her feel like she was right back in 1994 grieving her brother's death. 

Do you think Netflix should be sued?


How do you feel about Netflix making this show?


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  • I don't think Netflix should be sued for this show. Many documentaries are about tragic events, and they are usually made to inform people on these events. I think Netflix made this show so that they could inform people on what happend and how terrible it was. 

  • I don't think that Netflix should be sued, obviously part of it being created was for profit, almost everything is. But I think that they also are trying to teach people about him. What Jeffery did was awful, and more people should know about what he did and who he is. 

    • I agree, I think more people should learn what jeffery did so they realize serious stuff in this world happens more than we think. and I also agree it was mainly just to teach people and not so much for profit.

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      I agree, I think if people have a problem with the show they don't need to watch it. I understand rita isabels point but the rest of the world deserve to know what he did so we can learn about it.

  • I don't think that netflix should be sued. I get how this hsow can be disturbing to some people, I personally dont think it was meant to cause harm to anyone. It just shows how some people are in the real world.

  • I don't think netflix should be sued. I understand how this could trigger her and brin gback bad memories. Netflix was most likely not trying to harm anyone with this film but instead showing people what happen in Dahmer's life. I have watched some of it and it is kind of creepy and weird but it was realistic to his life.  

  •  I don't think netflix should get sued. They have many documentaries about murders on their platform. Other victims families haven't complained about their deceased ones appearing in a netflix series. I think this show is very interesting, but to avoid this problem in the future they should get constent from people included in the documentery.

  • Personally, I understand Rita's emotions towards the show; however, I don't believe that Netflix should be sued. From a legal standpoint, there are no grounds for a suit. Netflix had caused no real damages toward Rita, and I doubt there was emotional damages, not saying that it did not hurt her emotionally because it did, just that it doesn't have a lasting effect on her and was not made to do so. I feel that if Netflix is making a show about Jeffrey Dahmer they can't sugar-coat what actually happened just to make people feel better about a tragedy.

    • I like your response a lot and I agree I do not think they should be sued; and, it isn't causing any real damage towards rita now but it did when he killed her brother back in 1992. and yes they can't sugar coat what happend but I think they should have asked permission before getting people to play actors for them. 

  • I feel like the show should have been more sensitive to the victims familys. What I mean is different people, rather then the victims to respect the familys. That would change the story but it would help netflix by not getting suied.

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