Should Kill Shelters Be Banned?

There are over 3,500 animal shelters in the United States, and 52% of those shelters are kill shelters. Kill shelters, which are also known as municiple shelters, are animal shelters that eventually put animals to death (euthanasia) because they can not find a home for the animal.  We have these shelters here nationally simply because there is no space. There are many different opinions and debates about kill shelters around the nation, but should they become banned?

Though it may seem unlikely, kill shelters do have some pros to them. It seems harsh, but they take in unwanted and less likely to be adopted animals because there isn't enough room at no-kill shelters, which are shelters that does not kill healthy animals based on time limits. The animals at kill shelters are most likely to be older, and maybe more agressive. Eventually putting these animals to death may end their suffering, and the process is absolutely painless towards the animal.

Of course, with these kill shelters comes cons. Though kill shelters take in unwanted pets like older and agressive animals, it is also very likely that a majority of the animals in a kill shelter are inncocent and young, but just unwanted. Think about it, they only die because there isn't enough space at other shelters which is really sad. Not only is it sad for the animals because they never will get another chance at life, but it's sad for the person killing the animals. Imagine being the one purposefully taking away an animals life. I don't know about you, but that seems like a horrible job to have.

Others may say that kill shelters are the best way to make more space, but I disagree. In my opinion, I believe kill shelters should be banned. 17 million shelter animals were killed in 1984 in the United States and 625,000 in 2019. These numbers are disgusting and wrong. Some of the animals killed are only there because of their irresponsible owners. Once of the best ways to help animals and animal shelters is to spay and neuter your pets. Doing this reduces the number of abandoned and euthinized animals.

Cvetkovska, byLjubica, et al. “44 Shocking Animal Shelter Statistics (2023 Update).” Petpedia, 20 May 2023,


“Animal Shelter Statistics - Together We Are All in for Animals!” WAF, 25 Aug. 2023,


Gray, Allison. “3 Big Reasons Why Animal Shelters Euthanize Pets.” Petful, 15 May 2020,,taken%20to%20U.S.%20shelters%20annually.

 What are your opinions on kill shelters?
 Do you think they should be banned?


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  • I think kill shelters should be banned because they don't give animals a chance to find homes. They keep the animals for a few months and then put them down. I think kill shelters are horrible.

  • I think kill shelters should be banned. Animal shelters are suposed to help animals find homes. But the kill shelter only keeps them for a few months to get a new home or they will get killed. I don't think its fair because they didn't give an animal a chance to live. 

    • I 100% agree with your statement. Kill shelters should definetly be banned and animals deserve a chance to live too. Besides, some or even most of the animals in kill shelters are completely inoccent. It really is sad to think that these poor animals never got the chance to live a long happy life.

  • I think kill shelters should be banned, because I don't like kill shelters. I love dogs and any kind of pets especially bearded dragons I had one before we had to give him up to someone else.

  • I think that they should be banned, but I can also see why they are a thing. If animals are aggressive and old and on the verge of death they need to be put out of their misery, its terrible to watch animals suffer.  It hurts my heart that they'd have to be put down, but if it's for the greater good, then I see why kill sheters are a thing. Putting down perfectly healthy and happy dogs is why I think kill shelters should be banned, that's wrong on so many levels and I don't see how anyone could kill an animal like that. 

    • I do see both ways (pros and cons) when it comes to kill shelters too. If animals like agressive and sometimes old dogs end up in a kill shelter, maybe it's just best for those kind of dogs to be put out of their misery. Although, I agree that it doesn't change the fact that it is a horrible way to clear up space.

  • I think kill shelters should 100% be banned, It makes me sad knowing that they exist and these pets just die. I don't know how people can just kill an animal and not be affected. Many families would rather take the pet to their house then just let the pet die.

  • I feel as if kill shelters should be stopped, I don't feel that its right to be killing pets that could still have a chance to be able to have a home. Its kind of sad becuase some pets live most of their lives at animal shelters and end up getting killed without getting a home with a family that cares about them.

  • It makes me sick to know that kill shelters exist and that we created them as a solution to overpopulation. I think that owning a pet is a huge responsibility and it should not be taken lightly. That being said, taking care of your pet and keeping them out of shelters is the most important thing. 

  • Kill shelters are one of the worst ways to make space. I personally don't agree with kill shelters becaue I feel that giving an animal that deserves life a death date if inhumane. The kill free shelters should do more fundraisers and make more awarness for the animals so more people will buy them. In my opinion they should be banned because it is horrible and brutal.

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