Should kids be able to pick classes?

           Though kids do not like school, should they be able to pick their own classes? There is a lot of controversy if kids pick their own classes they will like school way better and it will set them in the right way with what they wanna do after school. Also it is stated it lets kids have some steam off, they say start with small activities. Then move up to what they wanna do. Most kids want to go to college not into the work force right away, but if they offer classes that are in college most people will not want to go to college because they have already did it in highschool. People think that math is useless in highschool because you will never learn it in life, that is why people wanna pick the classes they want to do after highschool.




          A lot of people say that if school changed which they can pick there own classes many people would be happy. Also kids would have more responsibility and freedom. Also it leads students to want what they wanna do, if they don't wanna do that subject they can change to try something else before getting college. I also think that it could screw up some college places because no kids will wanna go to college because they have already did it in highschool. The school we have right now is also stressing kids out because they feel there is no point to Science,English,Math,etc.


        I personally think we should be able to pick classes we want to take because I will need that after school.,students%20are%20involved%20and%20engaged.

Do you think we should pick our own classes?


Do you think colleges would lose money?


Should the government make a change?


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  • I agree, I think we should be able to pick the cources that we take in highschool so that we can use them in the furture with our future jobs ad such. I think that what we do now with picking our own classes is good and how we determin which classes to take.

    • I agree, we need to learn what we wanna do for after school.

  • I think we already pick our classes to a certain extent because of the paper we filled out just last week. I also think that students wouldn't get 100% of the credits they need for school anyway. I think that colleges will lose money because of the amount of student not getting enough credits to graduate highschool.

  • I think students should be able to pick there own classes. I don't think colleges will lose money because students would still take classed they want and enjoy instead of being forced. I think the government should change so students pick all classes.

    • Yes I agree, I feel like we are forced.

  • I think we should be able to pick our own classes. I feel that taking classes that won't benefit us in the future is dumb. If I am not going into a career in math I do not need to know math. Good topic. I think the government should make a change. 

    • I agree that students should be able to pick their classes. It will be more benedfitial for us in the future and would make students more excited about the classes they are taking. It will also reduce the people skipping classes.

  • I belive kids should be able to pick our own classes. the kid could take classes that could help their futer job they wanna do unlike the school if they picked the classes they could have them do something they wont need to do because is has nothing to do with job they wanna do. Its also better sbecasue they also get to explore other options they could be curios.

  • Yes, kids should be able to pick their own classes. I think that the choice to be able to choose their courses helps kids get ready for their future. I do not think that it is fair to make kids do courses that they do not have any interest in.  I think that it would be dumb to take away the student's choice.

  • Yes, I believe we should be allowed to pick our own classes. I think there should be some classes we are required to take though. We shouldn't be wasting our time taking some of these classes we have no choice but to take. We should use that time to be in a class that we know we are going to need. I don't really think that colleges are going to lose that much money. I think that there could be a little change but I don't think that its a huge deal. 

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