Should Iran make new laws on hijabs?

Currently in Iran, there are riots and protests about hijabs and their so-called ridiculous laws surrounding them. This has been a problem for a while supposedly but just reached the news because of how tired the citizens are over women getting killed in Iran because of "improper wear" of hijabs. However the anger was outstruck by the news of a young woman being killed all because her hijab wasn't on properly. Mahsa Amini, "Jina" was visiting Tehran with her family away from home, was arrested and accused of violating the hijab law. Again with another woman in Iran, Ms. Amini who was at the early age of 22 when she was claimed to die from a heart attack during her detention in custody of the police. She had also been in there because of improper wear of her hijab. There are many more cases about this, you could obviously tell that this was a hard struggle in Iran presently, but unfortunately those were not the only women who were a victim of this law.

There has also been a power cut, Iran's power had went out in Tehran, and I'm sure many other places because of the protests and I can't imagine how scary that is. Iranian women have fought for their rights for so long and all that's happened as that they've been punished for it so hopefully it'll be different this time. Now you can imagine that people have different views on this, depending on their starting beliefs and what they believe is correct/right. The protests have carried on from time to time, this time women from Iran are cutting their hair or burning their headscarves to show how the laws in Iran for hijabs aren't fair and need to be taken down.

Keep in mind that this has been going on for at least 3 decades, spreading across social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. One thing to also mention is the women across Iran have also been chanting "Death To The Dictator" during anti-hijab protests, calling for the death/end of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. You may be wondering, "why does Iran have such strict laws on hijabs then?" Well it was made mandatory for women to wear their hijab, following the Islamic Revolution in 1979 although the book of Quran doesn't exactly have vivid writing and isn't that clear to tell if women were supposed to cover up or not. Even back in 2017 there were a series of protests named Girls of Enghelab Street, theres quite a few religions that require women to follow certain strict rules and there's been protests in America about schools or workplaces trying to ban the hijab, and people protested against that. But however those people wanted to wear a hijab. I think the Iranian womens point is not to ban the hijab but to not force it on people and for people to respect women who don't want to wear the hijab, because theres been over 70+ women killed over the laws. 

what is your opinion on this, should Iran make new laws on Hijabs and less stricter or should they keep it that way?

Do you think its fair to Iranian women to be forced to wear a hijab and face hate for women who don't wear them?

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  • Great topic choice and summary Madison! The issue is that it is a week late and you didn't reply to any strudent replies which is worth 30 points.

  • In my opinion, I think they should not be so strict on the rules of hijavs. I know I would hate wearing one every time I left the house. This would be a waste of time, having to take another couple of minutes to put it on and take it off. It's not fair to the women to be killed or hated because of the piece of clothing they are required to wear. 

  • I think that Iran should loosen up their strictness on hijabs. Like other countries, Iran's citizans have a broad region of culture, so not everyone beleives in the same thing. Some cultures don't require hijabs so the people that belive in that shouldn't be forced to wear religious clothing for something that they don't beleive in. It's not fair for women to be killed or hated opon because on a peice of clothing. They should be able to decide if they want to wear one or not. 

  • I think that Iran should be less strict on the women and thier hijabs. I feel they are taking things way too far and women should choose to wear a hijab or not or choose which type of hijab they want to wear. I don't think that it is fair that iranian women have to wear a hijab.

  • I think that Iran should be less strict on Iranian woman. I feel you shouldn't be forced to wear a hijab and cover your face if don't choose to. Iranian woman should not be forced to wear something they don't like or don't believe in. People can still be religious without choosing to wear a hijab.

  • I do not think Iranian women should be forced to wear a hijab it's their right to wear it or not. if they do not want to wear it then they should be able to go without it.

  • I dont think that iranian women should be forced to wear a hijab. I think it should be up to her if she wants to wear the jugab or not. I think that iran should make a new law and get rid of the old one,  or be less strickter on the iranian women if they wear a hijab or not. 

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