Should Health Care be Free?

Health care is something that all people need starting from when they're first born. The United States has already given some citizens universal health care but the Government is working on expanding it to everyone. The Government wants to use a national health insurance, this will use public insurance to pay for private practice insurance. If this idea does go though it will make it so that every citizen has to pay into the national insurance plan. Another idea that the Government had was making it so that wealthier families would have more money taken out of their taxes to pay for higher medical bills that some families can't afford. The Government can always lower the medical costs but they would rather leave it the way it is.

Medicare is the medical insurance that people 65 and older or younger people with disablilites use. Medicad provides health insurance for eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults and people with disabilities. Many people think that if the Government can provide universal health care for up to 50% of the population, they should be able to provide it for everyone. To provide universal health care for low-income individuals, children in need, and military members the Government has to use the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which gives Americans access to affordable health care and gives coverage to for their certain conditions.

Universal health care can lower costs and prevent medical bankruptcy. If we used the ACA back in 2020 when covid-19 first started, we could've saved $438 billion. Some families can't afford America's high medical bill prices, so when they see how much they are being charged for it can be quite overwhelming. If we did have free health care, there is no guarantee that it would be high quality just because it's cheap. 





Do you think health care should be free?

Should wealthier families have to pay for other people's medical bills?

Do you think health care prices are reasonable?


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  • I believe it depends on your income if you're making decent amounts of money then you should have to pay not a huge amount. However if your making under that and you can prove it then you should get it for free so your healthy. 

  • I feel like people who live in lower class should be able to acess healthcare for free. Nobody should have to suffer in debt, just to go to the doctors. II feel like wealtheir families should not have to pay for other peoples medical bills, they already pay enough in taxes.

  • I believe health care should be free, everyone needs to have the ability to get health care, and sometimes health care can be really expensive. If everyone had free health care, we would not have people going into debt because of the outrageous amount of money health care costs.

  • I don't think healthcare should be free but cheaper to families that are struggling or can't afford it. Wealthier families should not have to pay for other people medical bills because that is unfair. I think health care prices are expensive and could be lowered a little bit for all families. 

  • I don't think health care should be free but it should be much cheaper and easier to afford, especially for families that can't afford it. Wealthier families shouldn't have to pay for other people's medical bills, that doesn't seem fair to them. Health care prices are not resonable at all.

  • I dont think health care should be free to everyone but I believe if the family is struggling then they should get free health care. I believe it should be a hand up to help not a hand out. I don't know how much medical things cost because I don't pay the bills.

  • I do not t think that health care should be completely free but I think that the government could help assist the pricing a little better. I think that in our world today you are going to have to pay so much money for anything you do and anything you buy. I think that there are very few changes in healthcare becoming free for everyone. 

  • I think health care should be free because there are some people that can't pay for health care. I don't think that someone should have to pay for someone elses health care

  • I don't think that helth care should be free because if you are really sick then you don't need as much helth care as someone that is really sick. I don't think that someone else should have to pay for someone elses helth care because they could be keeping their selfs healthy. I think that they are reasonable because the workers have to keep there selfs healthy to make sure that the person sick dosen't get more sick.

  • I think our government could adjust how they go about our heath care, maybe make it cheaper for groups of people. Or help assist with the pricing more. I dont think the wealthy should end up paying for others medical bills, but some could help if they wanted to. 

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