Should Felons be allowed to vote?

As of 2018, most U.S. states have restored the right of a felon to vote. In only 3 states felons cannot vote, Iowa, Virginia, and Kentucky. 6 states, limit voting to felons. For example if the felony is more serious, the felon will not be allowed to vote. 

An estimated 6.1 million people are not allowed to vote in the United States because of a felony conviction. Although each state has their own laws and many states allow felons to vote, that is still a large amount of people not voting. There are many pros and cons to allowing felons to vote. I personally think felons should not be able to vote, but I don’t really care. 

We don’t allow children, immigrants, or mentally disablled people to vote because they are immature and we do not trust them. So why should we trust felons who have done harm? Another reason why felons should not be allowed to vote is because they have gone against what the founding fathers have written. If they can’t follow the constitution why should they get to help write history? Prison is meant to be a punishment, why would we allow felons to as soon as they get out of prison to become free people again? 

On the other hand, we let felons own property, purchase alcohol, and drive. Letting them vote would just be another thing to add to the list. Although these people have done bad, I don’t think we should get to take everything away from them. Voting is free speech, why would we take that away from them? 

In conclusion, I personally think that felons shouldn’t be able to vote. I think that this is a controversial topic and could go either ways. There are benefits to allowing felons to vote but their is also consequences to it. 


Do you think felons should be able to vote? 


Do you think states should change their law allowing or not allowing felons to vote? 

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  • Great topic choice and well done Adrian!

  • I think it depends on the situation. Depending on what the person did should determine if they are allowed to vote. If people are in prison during an election i think that they should not be allowed to vote. I feel that after they are out they should be able to vote depending on how serious there charge was.

  • I think they should be able to vote once they've finished there time and have been doing well for a while. People do stupid stuff that can't be taken back and most people realize what they have done is wrong. and at that point i dont see why they should be able to be heard. 

  • i think they should be able to vote after they do their time. I think after they get out they have problily changed and everyone in the world should be able to vote and get their word out there.

    • I agree, I think it should also depend on what they did to go to jail and if they are mentally stable. I think they should be evaluated before they are given all of their rights back. 

  • I think so why wouldnt they be able to they might like someone and everyone should let there voice be heard I dont see no promblem with them voting No i think they should not change there law just becaouse of felon's.

  • I think they should be able to vote. They've already paid the punishment for their crime. Being in prison is a stripping of a person's civil liberties as a penalty for a crime; after their prison sentence and determined further punishment; they should not continue to be stripped of their rights. I don't believe that a person is necessarily morally wrong just for breaking the law. 

  • I think if they are in jail they should not be able to vote because they have done something wrong and they shouldn't have the right to make a decision. I think all states should go along with not letting felons vote. If they are out of jail and an ex felon then I think they should be able to vote.

  • I don't think they should because they are in prison for a crime or as a punishment. But it can go both ways. They are an american citizen and have the right to vote. But it's not up to me. I feel like it should be changed so they can't vote but many prisons I'm sure can allow them to or not. 

    • I see why you may think that they shouldn't be able to vote. I kind of agree with you that they should have thought it all out before doing the crime but I think since they are still american citizens that they should be able to vote. 

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