Should Every U.S Citizen be required to vote.



       Only about 60% voted for the election and roughly 139 million Americans cast ballots for the 2016 presidential election. There are 333.81 people who live in the United States and not everyone can vote because they are not of age. I think everyone should vote because they can express their vote and then there would be a more accurate vote. 

      Many people say that if every citizen voted that everyone's voices would be heard so then people would not complain about who would get in for the presidential election or any other type of election. If everyone voted people would be more inspired to pay more attention to campaigns and current events.

      I do think it would be a good thing for everyone U.S citizen to vote but the government would have to force them to vote and then a lot of people would get mad and protest against it and I think it would ruin our country and even tho It would be good to have every U.S. citizen I don’t think it would work but it would be good.




Do you think Every U.S citizen should vote? 


Are you against Every U.S citizen's vote?

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  • I don't think evey US citizen should be required to vote. If you don't care enough to vote, than you shouldn't care enough to get mad at whoever becomes president. You can't get mad when something doesn't go your way in our government because you didn't do anything to stop it. I'm not against peoples votes, maybe I don't agree with what they believe but they doesn't mean I'm against them, we all have to work together to make our government work. We need both sides to improve our government.

  • I don't think that every U.S. citizen should have to vote. I think it should be encouraged to vote, but it doesn't need to be required. I think that the government is corrupt anyway, so voting for someone new won't make a difference. People shouldn't be forced to do something they don't want to do.

  • I don't think that every U.S. citizen should have to vote. When I get older, I don't think that I will vote. In the recent elections, I don't think that anyone was worthy of being president. I don't think that there is actually someone who wants to benefit the country.

  • I don't think that every U.S. citizen should be required to vote but they should know that if they don't vote they aren't putting their opinion out there and that they don't have a right to complain about the outcome of the election becuse they essentially said they don't care who gets elected. However, this doesn't man that I am against it, just that I don't think that people should be forced to vote.

  • I don't think every person should vote becasue some people just don't care. I don't think they should be forced to do something they don't want to do. Some people don't really care about politics and think politics are boring. Personally, I don't really care about politics that much because I think it is boring. Maybe one day it will be more interesting but currently it isn't really interesting. 

  • I do not think that every U.S. citizen has to vote. I also think that they might like none of the people that are against each other. plus we live in a free country so we have a choice if we want to vote or not.

  • I like to think of all of the people in our country who don't care about politics when this question is asked. If only 60% of people voted, that shows a lot of how many people don't care about politics as long as it doesn't affect their lives. So I think it is fine as is, and every U.S. citizen shouldn't be required to vote. 

  • I do not think every U.S citizen should have to vote. I think everyone is intitled to thier own opinion even if they have no opinion. Like me, I don't reallu care who is president becuase i'm not even old enough to vote. Maybe when im 18 i'll start looking into voting. I am not aganist anyones vote, you are aloud to like who you wanna like. 

  • I don't think every citizen should be allowed to vote because this is a free country and people should be allowed to do what they want. Like if there was not anyone they would vote for then they would have to vote for one of them. I think I would be against every us citizen voting. 

  • I think that everyone should vote because it would be a more accurate representation of who the people want to be in charge of the country. On the other hand, I think it should be your chose to take time out of your day and go vote.

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