Should Cigarettes and Vapes be Banned Entirely

I think that they should be banned entirely because they are causing many problems health wise and education wise. Cigarettes especially cause many health problems like trouble breathing, heart diseases and the biggest side effect is lung cancer. The same things are happening with vapes: they cause headaches, shortness of breath, and coughing and some even have you inhaling toxic materials like lead and nickel. Vapes are also causing problems in school because kids are sneaking off to the bathrooms or the locker rooms to vape.


Should Cigarettes and vapes be banned entirely?

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  • While I am glad you got this posted Malcolm, it is three days late, your summary is broief and you didn't reply to amy student comments.

  • I think they should both be banned, because they are bad for you. They are both very addicting and is in all wasting your money and causing you health problems which could lead to more of your money wasted on medical bills.

  • I do think that cigarettes and vapes should be banned entirely because they are both terrible for you. Also, they are both really addictive and cause many health problems, so I don't see a point in having them around. However, I doubt this will happen.

  • I think that they should be banned becaise they are bad for you and there's nothing it does to benefit you. All it does is make more money for the companies while it is just destroying our bodies. They are both very addicting and is in all wasting your money and causing you health problems which could lead to more of your money wasted on medical bills.

  • I think that they should be banned because cigarettes cause cancer and are addictive. Vapes are very addictive and we have no idea what the long-term effects of the vapes are, will millions of people just drop dead because they vaped once? or will it not be that bad? I'm not going to find out, but the people that do It will.

  • Personally, I believe it would be nice if vapes and cigarettes were banned entirely, but I don't think that is realistic. They are both very prominent in society and banning them would cause many issues. I think it would have been best if neither cigarettes or vapes were ever invented, but of course now there is nothing anybody can do about that. 

  • I think that they should be banned because they are bad. They are also a big distraction in school with kids trying to go to the bathroom. Another issue with them would be that it restricts the kids that do have to go to the bathroom because they put rules against going to the bathroom and the kids that really do just have to go can't.

  • I think that it should be banned. I think that if we do ban it help people's health a lot. They already ban JUUL so I don't think that it will be difficult just to get rid of all nicotine products.

  • Although this would be great for people's health, it cannot happen. US has given their citizens freedom to do what they want. Therefore, if people want to ruin their lives and their bodies by smoking or vaping, they should ultimately be able to do so and do so when they wish.

  • I believe that this could be great for the health of the United States citizen body. I think that we could benefit greatly from this. However, I feel like this would cause a revolt. It would be just like prohibition in the 1930s.  I think that the people that are addicted would find another way to get these items.

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