Should caffeine be banned from schools?

Over time people have been debating who likes caffeine and who doesn't like it at all  .

Individuals who love caffeine have a lot of support from people around the world, especially on social media.


Caffeine helps in getting concentration in a lot of stuff ,because people like the taste of the caffeine,or because it gives you more energy. There are many ways to get caffeine like energy drinks, coffee,supplements,  soda,chocolate,etc. There are other benefits like living longer,less likely to develop heart failure,  less likely to develop Parkinson's disease,DNA will be like there are benefits but like everything there are consequences.


There are some downsides like insomnia,Headaches, Dizziness, Fast heart rate, etc. There are good things and bad things about caffeine like everything but there are people who think that those kinds of consequences are normal ,but they don't know that caffeine causes all those kinds of problems.


There are ways to get energy and or better tastes but,should coffee be banned from school?

I think sometimes it has to be banned, but there are times that I think it is a bad idea.


Should caffeine be banned from schools?


Why coffee is good for you?


Are you for or against caffeine?

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  • I don't think caffeine should be banned in schools because students, as well as teachers, need it to go through the whole day without getting tired, sometimes students or teachers sleep late doing missing assignments or preparing what's needed for the next lesson of the next day.  I think that caffeine should not be banned because it can help students go through a whole day without getting tired, and can make them feel more energized.  

  • I honestly believe that energy drinks and too much caffeine are very bad for a person. People who drink lots of caffeine and energy drinks tend to have very bad heart failure which is sad for our generation and where we are heading.

  • I don't think it should be banned because for some people, it really helps them to get ready for the day and stay energized. I don't think necessarily, everyone needs caffine because the human body is able to give us the right amount of energy as long as we're eating food and drinking water.

  • I don't think caffeine should be banned because it helps people get going in the morning. Coffe does conist of benefits for the human body so it wouldn't make sense to me to ban it.

  • I don't think caffeine shoul dbe banned because I think it hlep people in the morning wake up and fource in class. I don't drink caffeine though. But it hink we should be able to have caffeine in school.

  • I don't think caffeine should be banned because you might need the caffeine for a specific reason and have to bring it. coffee has good cardiovascular benefits, it helps with circulation. I am for caffeine because its helpful.

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