Small Town Curfews

Small towns like Harlan tend to have curfews for minors. They have them in place to ensure "safety" but in a small town like Harlan, is it really needed? 

Most kids tend to break curphew anyways and be out late. They're safe, aren't they? You never hear of anything bad happening in small town, Harlan Iowa. Even if you do get caught, you can easily get out of it or they don't even mention curfew. Kids most of the time have permission from their gaurdians. Unless they are driving drunk or under another dangerous influence, it shoudln't be a big deal. No one is going to break into Dollar General on a saturday night. Most kids got church the next day. No one wants to be repenting for breaking into a little store after being bailed out. 

Although the curfew isn't that effective, it is in place for a reason. Anything could happen in the world out of nowhere. As long as  you're being responsible and safe, it won't be a problem. 

Overall, there is no need for the curphew since no one follows it or ever gets in trouble for it legally. If you have been doing substances underaged, people are usually smart about calling a trusted adult or staying where they are at until they are sobered up. 



Do you think Harlan should have a curphew? 


Do you follow the curphew laws that are already in place?


Are you responsable when out past curfew? 

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  • Great topic choice and well done overall McKenna! I do think you could have replied more frequently.

  • I think that having the curfew is there for a good reason and that is to prevent the drivers who are less experienced/inexperienced to not having to be driving late at night, but other than that I don't really see a reason for having a curfew. 

  • I dont think there should be a small town curfew if you're at a certain age like 14 and up because then youll know about the weridos that like to kidnap people and stuff like that. But that's the only reason I think there would be a curfew is to prevent any werid stuff happening. I dont personally follow the curfew laws but thats just me another reason to have a curfew is to prevent inexperienced drivers. But another thing is nobody really follows the curfew law anyway, so why have it?

  • I think the only valuable reason to have a curfew in Harlan is to prevent inexperienced drivers from driving late at night, otherwise, I don't really see the point in having one. Teenagers breaking the law is inevitable whether there is a curfew or not. I think as long as a teenager is responsible enough to protect themselves and stay in safe situations, there shouldn't be one.

  • I do think harlan should continue to have a curphew in place because it just helps keep people who don't have enough expirience driving to be driving late at night. I do think they should maybe extend the curphew in the summer because people are often out later in the summer.

  • I don't think that it really matters if Harlan has a curfew or not. Honestly, kids are going to break the curfew even if it were in effect. I didn't even know that there was a curfew for minors in Harlan. However, I am usually home at a time when my parents tell me. 

    • I'm the same way I always do as my parents say. I agree It really doesnt matter if there is or not kids dont always follow either way. 

  • I think that Harlan already has a curfew in place.  I believe the curfew is midnight, and if you are 18 and younger you are supposed to follow that rule. I can’t drive yet so I can’t really be out past midnight by myself with my friends. I’m not sure how many times kids have been picked up for breaking curfew.  It seems this law is ignored by most people. If people are at their friends’ houses, I think you should stay at their house if it’s past curfew.  The law was put in place for a reason, so kids should be following it.

    • I understand where your coming from i aslo agree it was put there for some reason. Athough whats the point if parents dont really care either and half the time the cops dont really adress it either so why have it if not being followed by both partys.

  • I don't think that towns like Harlan need a curfew because no ones going to follow it. I feel like you should follow your parents curfew then if your out past that time then you parents should punish you. I don't have a curfew because my parents don't really care how late I'm out. 

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