Security cameras around school campus

Do you think schools should be allowed to have cameras in the hallways,  classrooms, and all around campus? This has been a very controversial topic for awhile. There are many pros and cons for both sides.


In an article I read, it said that 91% of public schools had security cameras in their hallways in 2020-2021. This is showing that the majority of public schools use this as a form of security. In that same article, it states that security cameras in schools are the second most used form of security. Schools rely on security camera footage for lots of things including fights, crashes, vandalism, theft, etc. 


There are many pros for having security cameras throughout schools, here are a few. If schools have security cameras outside of the school they can see what is going on in the parking lot and who comes into the school. Safety is the main reason schools have security cameras. To keep kids safe from intruders, to keep their belongings safe, and to keep them safe from other students. With security camera footage, schools can share important clips with emergency responders to figure out problems that might have happened.


Looking past all of the pros about this, there can also be some cons. Some might say it is an invasion of privacy to  students, teachers, and anyone who comes into the building. Another issue could be the cost of installing these cameras and purchasing them. They aren't cheap so the school has to have enough money to fund them or it might cause issues. Some might claim that security cameras don't help the crime because it has already been committed, so they can't do anything to prevent it.


I personally think schools should definitely have cameras on campus. I think it makes a safe environment for everyone, it can help solve many issues and all together make everyone feel a little more safe. It can also solve disputes between people if there was a crash and they don't know whose fault it was because the cameras would also be outside. I don't think that cameras should be inside classrooms though because that is a learning environment and it would feel weird having one in a classroom. They should definitely be showing all entrances to the rooms and their surroundings. 


Do you think schools should keep security cameras? 

Do you think cameras make the schools more safe? 

Would you be uncomfortable if there was a camera in your classroom? 

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  • I think there should be security cameras all around the shcool but not in specific classrooms. Security cameras around the school can help admiistration know what is happening in the parking lot and help minimize fights, theft and help with watching the cars. 

  • Yes, I think schools should definitely have security cameras all around the school. They help kids think about what they're doing and are a good source to look at if something does happen. Without them, I think there would be a lot more theft, fighting, etc.

  • I don't think there is anything wrong with them. It definitely makes the school safer but they aren't really effective. If students want to do something bad they will probably just find a way to do it another way. In the classroom, it would be uncomfortable, and wouldn't really do anything. 

    • I agree I don't think amy students care if the cameras see them or not. If they are doing something bad the cameras can't stop them in the act.

  • Yes I think that they should have cameras around the schools because it is a good source to look at if there is a fight or if something is stolen.  I believe that they're a necesity to the school's hallways.  If we didn't have cameras I believe that there'd be a lot more problems

  • I think that cameras should have cameras on campus. I think it would make the school completely safer. I would not feel uncomfortable with cameras in the halls, classrooms, lunchrooms, or outdoors on campus. I think the only inappropriate place for cameras would be in the bathrooms.

  • No I dont think they should keep security cameras up at school. Because many principals sit in there office watching the cameras instead of going out and talking to kids. They also take thinks to far with cameras kids do the littlest things and get in trouble such as punching a friend or accidently shoving into someone in the halls. 

  • In my opinion, I think schools should have cameras in case of emergency. In classrooms would be a good idea in case someone started a fight and you need to find out who hit who first. The only inappropriate place for cameras would be in the bathrooms.

  • I think that cameras should have cameras on campus. I think it would make the school completely safer. I would not feel uncomfortable with cameras in the halls, classrooms, lunchrooms, or outdoors on campus. I think the only inappropriate place for cameras would be in the bathrooms.

  • I personally think that schools should keep there cameras around and not get rid of them. something bad could happen and no one will know because the cameras wouldn't be there to check them. I would be uncomfortable to see a camera in the class room but they should be in the halls and outside.

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