School Uniforms

   School uniforms have many pros and cons. Some pros are that they can increase student focus. Studies say that when students dont have something nice on, nothing to notice or comment on, they spend more of that energy on learning and focusing in class. They can "Promote safety" inside and outside of school. Studies also say that having school uniforms make them blend in and not having to worry about being a target for "gang-involved people". One more pro is they can break down class barriers between students. When students wear uniforms, it eliminates who looks rich and who looks poor. When students dont wear school uniforms it makes the most and least  economic privileged students easier to spot. 

   The cons of having school uniforms are they can be expensive for parents than actually clothing. Uniforms can also be hard to shop for and hard to find. Uniforms can decrease self-expression. Teenagers should be able to express their emotions, tastes in music, pericings, fashion, art, and hair. Schools are tough on kids, they take away their freedom to really express who they are. Another con of uniforms are that they can be sexist. Some schools require for girls to only wear dresses, skirts and no pants. Most students are still unaware of their gender so it makes it harder for them to express who they are. 


   I believe students should be able to express who they really are without a school uniform. At my old school we had to wear uniforms and the dress code was strict. Blue,white, or red button up shirts. Red, blue, white,black or brown belt with khaki pants. We couldn't zip up our jackets, and couldn't wear hoodies. Our shoes had to have backs on them, and we couldnt wear open toed shoes. 

Do you think school uniforms should even be a thing? Why or why not? 



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  • Good job Kenzie! One day late -10

  • I am anti-uniform. Although it would not be the end of the world to have to wear a uniform... I still think students should have the chose to express themselves through clothing.  I think people should feel comfortable and like themselves in the clothes they wear. 

  • No because people should be able to wear what ever they want not being forced to wear the same thing every day to school also having kids pick what they wear gives more variaty to the school.

  • I think that school uniforms aren't needed in our type of school because everybody finds different clothes comfier or better looking than others so they are allowed to choose what they want without problems. 

  • they can be but the problem I have is that the schools that make students wear them are ussaly real expensive so most of the argument that it help kids look alike is almost completely thrown out the window because the school needs money to by the uniforms but if this issue was not such a big one not to mention the whole expressing onself through there clothes argument they could work

  • In my opinion school uniforms can be a thing and there is nothing wrong with it until some point, as long as it is really strict but if school uniforms are mandatory and we have to pay for it, that is a problem. I think if we are gonna have a uniform it should at least be free.

  • I don't think we should have a school uniforms. Students needs to be able eapress themselves in there why. Uniforms will provent the students for express themselves. I get that privet school have them but publike shout let the students wear what is aloud  in the school book.  We shout not have a school uniformes.

  • school uniforms shold not be a thing because it can just cause problems 

  • I don't think we should have uniforms, students need to be able to express themselves. Lots of uniforms are usually formal and most people would hate wearing something formal for school. Our clothing and accessories help us express ourselves. Some schools even go as far as restricting hair cuts.

  • I think that school uniforms should not be required. It should be the choice of the kid to wear what they want to. Forcing someone to wear something gets rid of their creativity and expression. I would not like wearing a school uniform at all.

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