Over the weekend, there was a chemical weapon attack on a former Russian spy in the United Kingdom. Prime Minister Theresa May of Great Britain visited the place of the chemical weapon attack, which violated the Chemical Weapons Agreement signed by the UN Member States. The United Kingdom believes that the Russian Federation is behind the attack on the double agent. Theresa May gave Russia until midnight on Tuesday to respond to the British ultimatum given to the Russians. In the following days, Prime Minister May deported 23 Russian diplomats from the UK as a response. It is being speculated that the UK could invoke Article 51 of the UN Charter to launch a large-scale cyberattack on Russia. Later in the week, Prime Minister May has gotten the US, Germany, and France to all sign a letter alleging the Russians were responsible for the attack. Relations between the UK and Russia are expected to significantly deteroriate.


Here is the link to the story


1. Has Theresa May done things President Trump is unwilling to do?
I believe she has, since the US only put in sanctions that were agreed by Congress nearly a month ago in response. Prime Minister May has shown her leadership ability by wrangling the international community to agree with her.

2. Is Russia behind the chemical weapon attack?
I believe that Russia and Putin in particular are responsible for the chemical attack, especially since the spy wars that erupted between Britain and Russia throughout the later part of the 20th century.

3. Should the US do more to back the UK in the incident?
I think that we could be doing more to help the British in their investigation, such as offering our support and any logistical help that would be needed. 

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  • Well done! Be sure to capitalize major words within your title.

  • 1. No.

    2. I would think so, If Russia would go through all of this trouble and break the chemical weapons agreement just to kill one guy, than yes I would assume that Russia was trying to tie up some lose ends.

    3. Well its their problem, but yes.

  • I think that she has, I don't think that Trump would accuse Russia like that possibly because he is scared of them. I think they are why would some random person target random people who happened to be former spys? I think so, I think that Russia is breaking a few rules and maybe is going a little to far. 

    • I agree that Russia is definitely going too far, killing people is going over the line, especially on foreign soil. 

  • I think she's doing a lot more than Trump considering she's acting observing and taking action, at least trying to. I don't doubt they're behind it. I think they're biting off more than they can chew and they're going to awake some unpleasant battles. I think we could do more but how things are as of now we should try to distance ourselves from the battles.

    • I think that she's trying her best as well to do what she can. I think that Russia is biting off more than they can chew, especially as she goes to rally the international community to her side.

  • 1. Yes I believe she has. She has shown much leadership since Congress has made sanctions. She has done much helping by arguing and wrangling with the international community. 

    2. I have mixed things with this, I believe they do are and aren't responsible for the chemical attack

    3. I think we could have done more. 

  • I'm not sure I don't know the whole situation so I really can't say without know all the details of the past the present and the possible future. Again I am unsure who it was, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was Russia trying to start something. I think we should do more to back allies.

    • Yes, it's hard to predict the future with the details of what's happening, and I agree Russia would want to do something like this, and that we should definitely do more to help the UK.

  • I do not think America should get involved with touchy situations like this ordeal with russia and the Uk I feel if we get involved we are throughing gas into our own fire. I personally just want to stay on Russiass side so we dont go into nuclear war with them at all.

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