Public VS Private Schooling

When children reach the tender age of 5, parents ask themselves 1 question. Do I send my child to a public or private school? The first school in the US was made in 1606, a private catholic school made by the Franciscan Order. In 1620, when pilgrims arrived, they started setting up schools in Plymouth. During the colonial time of the 17th century, there was little to no distinction between public and private schools. Public schooling came around in the early 19th century due to people wanting less religious focus on schooling. Catholic bishops pushed for the founding of Catholic schools around the country in return, making religion one of the main differences between public and private schools. With the main one being where the money comes from (public from the government, private from tuition)


Most people choose private schooling because the smaller class sizes allow for more one-on-one time. Teachers are less overwhelmed, better paid, and sometimes better qualified, causing them to have more patience and motivation to truly help students get past rough patches. They also have more funding for field trips and hands-on learning.


The people who choose private schooling usually do so because it has more people, allowing students to have a more divmerse social life. Public school is also cheaper than private schools and sometimes has more extracurricular activities and clubs for their child’s interests. Public schools are also required to follow a state curriculum, which isn’t required of private schools in every state.


I would want my child to go to private school for the first half of their elementary schooling like I did. This ensures that they have a thorough understanding of the basics that they’ll use every day in the future. Later, they can go to public school to expand their social skills and join extracurriculars and clubs.


Which do you wish you went to?

Which would you choose for your future kids?

What are some things that make one worse than the other that I didn't cover?,throughout%20the%20southwest%20and%20California 

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  • Great topic choice and super job Lauren!!

  • I am personally okay with going to a public school rather than a private school for a couple of reasons. First of all going to public school can make you a better educated person in many ways. For instance it makes you a lot better socially and you can meet a lot of different people with a lot of different backrounds as well. 

  • I think that going to public school is the best for being an all around educated person. Talking and interacting with people is crucial when you get out of highschool and pursuing what you desire. I will send my kids to public school for that sole reason.

    • I agree that becoming well-rounded is extremely important in this day and age. Private schools may be able to provide that social aspect as well depending on where you go, some private schools could do more work with the community that you wouldn't get with a public school.

  • each town has a different type of school some may have private or public some may even have both like harlan does being a kid that came from a cathlioc school i can tell you the material you learn at a cathloc school are way more advanced than what are learned at a public school.

  • I belive both are benifical. Puplic schools allow kids to spend time with and make freinds wich help kids. Private schools are also good because the learning enviorment is not disruptive and it is mroe peacful.

    • I agree that the public school system's large student body can provide a better way for students to flex their metaphorical social wings. Private schools are better for expanding knowledge and help students have a deeper understanding of the world around them.

  • Personally, I've never been to a private school so I really don't know the experience. I do know that many private schools are religious based so it depens on what school it would be. Although, I would robably say public school because, obviously, that's where I'm at and it's fine.

  • I have never been to a private school in my life, and I'm not sure if I would have liked it. I'm not sure if I would be able to learn better in private since I'm already learning pretty well in public. I prefer that public school is more diverse and contains more people. I would let my kids go to public, since that's what I've been doing all my life.

  • I think that both public and private schools can be beneficial to students. Public school is more of a real-life situation, but private school tends to have better test scores overall. This might lead to students being smarter. 

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