Oregon gunman shoots women in wheelchair.

At an Oregon campus, a student who studied there went on a rampage. He barged into a room with people aged between 17-67. He yelled at everyone to get on the ground. They all tried to huddle together on the floor. There was one lady in a wheel chair, that was disabled. She scrambled out of her chair onto the floor. The shooter yelled at her to get back in her chair, and while in the process, he shot her. He went back to the other people on the floor and asked for their religion. Once they told him, they were shot. There was one boy(the survivor) that was asked to give an envelope to the police. Before he gave it to them, he was forced to watch the hostages be killed. He didn't look in the envelope but felt a flash drive. He shot quite a few people, then took hi own life, says the police. 

My Opinion: The survivor should have found something and tried to stop the shooter. 

What would you do if you were the survivor?

Would you try to stop him?


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  • Be sure to hyperlink correctly and be sure to reply to student comments.

  • I don't know what I would do if I was in that situation 

  • i would have not done anyything because if you try and stop him you will just get shot

  • I don't know exactly what I would do if I was in that situation I think it would really depend. I would try to stop him.

  • i would tell the story and let the world know what happened on the  inside of the building, well im guessing the cops have got the guy but i wouldnt let him get away with it 

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