No Speed Limit on Parts of Interstates?

No Speed Limit on Parts of Interstates?

The speed limit in Iowa on interstates is 70 mph. Every state has their own speed limit. In general every country has a speed limit except Germany. They have the Autobahn. On the Autobahn are parts where you don't have a speed limit. It means you can actually drive as fast as you want to without getting in trouble. The first road that was close to the Autobahn was opened 1921 in Berlin and it was a racetrack. The first real Autobahn was opened in 1932 and you were allowed to drive 120 kilometers per hour so 75 miles per hour.


Does it cause more accidents?

Infografik: So viele Menschen sterben auf den Autobahnen Europas | Statista

Here are the Autobahn accidents in Europe. The numbers on the right in circles are the speed limits in kilometers per hour. As you can see Germany does not have a speed limit and they are not the country with the most accidents. It means eventhough Germany doesn't have a speed limit does not mean that there are more car accidents. And did you know that the Autobahn is actually the safest street in Germany. This is what the ADAC says (they are Europe's largest motoring association).


Should there be parts on the interstate without a speed limit?

I think it is good to not have a speed limit on some parts of the interstate. You can be faster in places and it does not cause more accidents but you can still drive as fast as you want to. The problem with having speed limits everywhere is that people still want to drive fast to test their car or anything like that, so they do it at night illegally where you cannot see the street well. This is what causes accidents. It is better to do it legally on the day, where you have a better view and more control.   



Do you think there should be parts without a speed limit on the interstate?

Do you think it causes more accidents or not? 





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  • Great topci choice and well done Tatjana!

  • I think that their should definetly be parts of the interstate that have no speed limits because it would get people to where they need to go much faster and more efficiantly. I think that it would not be more dangerous if people used it correctly and safely.

  • unfortunately there are people out there that dont pay attention to what there doing. I honestly think that it would cause a lot more accidents. People driving these days especially our generation gets distracted easily when driving on the road. Adding that with going fast makes it even harder to stop fast enough on the road especially  highways. 

  • I think having parts without speed limits could be really bad because yes it's true that people often don't respect the rules of the speed limits but having no speed limits in some parts will just give them more desire to speed more ending in accident.

    • Another solution could be a higher speed limit then.

  • If you change the speed limit no matter what there are still going to be people that go over it and it causes accidents. Even if you change it there are still gonna be accidents. Everyone just needs to be careful and watch out for other cars.  

    • I totally agree with that. Most accidents are not caused by speed.

  • I think that there should be parts without speed limits on the interstate because people just follow the flow of trafic anyways. I dont think it would cause more accidents becasue it would probly still be the same, but there should still be a limit like u cant go super fast to the point u are going to get into an accident.

    • I like the idea with a higher speed limit instead of no speed limit. I mean most people do not drive that fast anyway.

  • I think people speed no matter what the speed limit is so changing it would not do much except making it legal that they do. I think that it could be kinda dangerous to not have a speed limit but as you showed above it doesn't prove to increase or decrease accidents. 

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