Michael Brown's Blood found on gun and car

There may be a new lead to the Michael Brown case. Forensic tests found the blood of the 18 year old on officer Darren Wilson's gun and police cruiser. People say this new evidence helps officer Wilson's case. Many people who are Michael Browns side are outraged by this news. One of Ferguson's residents says this new evidence still doesn't explain while Michael Brown isn't alive. About a week ago, people started saying that Wilson is not going to be indicted, and let free. This angered many people even more and things there have gotten worse. 

Question: Do you think this new evidence helps Brown's case or officer Wilson's?


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  • Again, great topic but stay away from yes and no questions.

  • yes it could help his case because how else would his blood get on their and when the police man has an explanation its going to be hard to believe. 

  • Thats true it could help both of their cases and now with the new evidence it seems more towards michael's side of the story

  • Well I think it it going to help the police and Micheal.Police because it shows maybe he reached for the gun but it says he was shot in the hand and ran.

  • The case could go either way. it depeneds how the judge looks at the case as a whole

  • Michael Brown death had affected  everybody such as Law Enforcements, African Americans.The people of Missouri separated on which side is right, some think that justice wasn't served. New evidences will probably pop up in the future about the case of Michael Brown.

  • Thats true it could go either way right now 

  • I think that it is to early to say, they are many questions about this evidence that need to be answered before it can be decided who it will help.

  • The main question is how his blood could have gotten on the car. It supports the story about a incident at the scene of the car, and I don't think an injury would be likely if Officer Wilson was trying to pull him into his cruiser (Which is the story that many of Brown's supporters use). While I have remained mostly unbiased in this whole story, I have to say that the evidence as a whole supports Wilson's case, and the riots and general anarchy that was taken on by the supporter's of Brown in Ferguson certainly doesn't help with their image.

  • It depends on how the lawyers use the evidence. It could really go either way.

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