Martin Luther King JR

Martin Luther King went through some much that nun of use would understand he put his life on the line but he fought for what he believed in. Martin Luther King jr was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta Georgia he was a co-paster for his grandfathers church and late becme the paster of the church. He went to public schools he graduated high school at the age of fifteen, he received the B.A. degree in 1948 from Morehouse college. 


Martin Luther King JR was a member of the  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People where he fough for peoples civil rights. While King was in the  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People there was a law that lasted 382 days and that was boycott where white and black would ride the bus equals, but during the days of boycott he was arrested for being bombed and was subjected for personal abuse but he emerged as a negro leader of the first rank. 



In 1957 he was elected president of the  Southern Christian Leadership Conference an organization formed to provide new leadership for civil rights movements. when he was thirty-five he won the Nobel Peace Prize and became the youngest man to win the nobel peace prize. when he was notifed of his selection he sayed that the prize money woul go to the civil rights movent. on April 4, 1968 he killed on the  balcony of his motel. 

1. do you think that his work was makeing a difference 

2. do you think he should been killed 


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    • I agree with you that the stuff he did for us is very good since they didn't cause violence or damage to people. he shouldn't of been killed because he didn't do anything wrong everything he did was good. 

  • I one hundred percent think that Martin Luther King Jr. made a huge difference in the civil rights world he really helped move the cause forward. He obviously shouldn't have been killed because he was a good man and even if he wasn't that good of a man he shouldn't have been killed.

  • What MLK did was very impcatful. His infamous speeches are known and respected to this day. Though it's still not perfect I thinnk Martin Luther KIng Jr. helped to shape our country and make civil rights a possibility for the future. Its still a working progress but we owe much of the progress that has been made to MLK.

    • I agree that Marthin Luther King made a huge imact on the black community and i agree that the world is still not perfect in the way of rasicm and stuff like that.

  • I definitely think that what he did made a difference. It helped other African Americans stand up for equal rights. I think that he definitely positively impacted the growth of our nation. I do not think that he should have been killed because he was doing so many great thinks for America.

  • I think that Martin Luther King Jr defineitly paved a way for the civil rights movement and was a leader for the people that were fighting for civil rights. I don't think he should have been killed at all he helped people start to fight for civil rights and equality for people of color.

  • I think that without Martin Luther King JR there would not have been the civil rights movement there was and America would be very different.  I do not think he should have been killed yhe was doing great things for colored people and getting them equal rights and he is a very important part in the US history.

  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s work was definitely making a difference, because he encouraged black people to peacefully protest for change in our society. No I do not think he should have been killed because he helped out black people and helped improve our world.

  • I think Martin Luther King JR really impacted a lot of people. He protested but did it in a way without causing commotion or violence. This was a really huge issue then even more than now and he had a huge impact on it. I don’t think he should’ve been killed. Even though he made some mistakes he still didn’t deserve to die.

  • I think he was sticking up for his rights. Anyone should stick up for their rights. African Americans weren't getting treated like everyone else. They were mistreated and hurt. He was only sticking up for others and himself. I think what he did was right and made a huge impact on many people. Yes, he made some mistakes in his life but don't we all. We can't shut him out because of a mistake. We all make them. 

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