Japans rivers are drying up.

                Most of all the rivers in Japan are dried up or will be at an alarming rate. There agriculture has been down due to the lack of rain. And sunken ships are showing up in the water in Japan and even China.

                First, the rainfall in Japan has been down over 45% in this year. There agriculture side has taken a huge tole from this. Even though agriculture only makes up 10% of their economy, a lot of people rely on farmers for food.

                Second, from the water level being so low many things in the water are starting to show up again. So far there have been seen as many as 20 German warships from WWII. There has also been a “circle of megaliths” from 5000BC found in Spain.


What would you think if you lived there?


What do you think caused this? 



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  • Tyler,

    Overall your summary is just too brief and is not focused on your opinion which is what I am looking for. Your questions could also be better. You also only replied one time. Replying back is worth 30 points.

  • Due to the fact that Japan has warm summers and very cold winters aswell as a rain shortage this is problaby why the rivers are drying up. Japan is probably not a good place to live if you are a famer.

  • I wouldn't live in japan and be a farmer due to the rain shortage because there wouldn't be enough profit to keep going on and farming. When the shortages get worse is when the farmers are going to have to find a different way to irrigate their crops.

  • I would not live there if theirs lack of water because that aslo means theirs lack of food which would be horriable plus it brings the econemy down. I cant say for sure what caused this because I dont really but if I had to guess I would say natural causes, unusaual weather patterns, and or climate change.

  • If I was a Japanese person that depends from agriculture I would be very worried. If I can't have a good life because of this inconvenient, I would considerate moving to another country where I could carry out this activity. In my opinion this is caused because of the global warming and the high pollution level that is in our world. 

  • I would not want to live there. If I did live there I would be worried about what is happening. Also I think it is from global warming and if it keeps getting worse the farmers will have no profit and it will hit Japan and China hard.

  • I think that it would be a horrible place to fish and also cool because then you get to see the german warships from WWII and what they got to ride on. I think that it is the lack of rain and global warming that is drying up the rivers in Japan and making the warships be able to see daylight again.

  • If I lived there I would definitely be worried. It would be hard to find another way to eat if I just lived off my own farming. Water is a necessity for life and there is no way for the human body to stay healthy without it. In my opinion I think humans have a lot to do with the rivers drying up.

  • I would be very worried about the lack of usual rain if I lived in Japan. I would be especially worried if I was a farmer because my crops and livestock would be dying and you would lose huge amounts of money. I am ot sure what would cause this lack of rain.

  • There are positives and negatives to the rivers drying up. One big positive would be more land to build on, but it's not that much land to add. In my opinion, humans have a big part of the Japanese rivers drying up. I think that human industrialization has a big part in that.

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