Is Online Schooling more Beneficial than in Person?

 One of the biggest benefits is that it offers flexibility in terms of scheduling. Students can choose when they want to take their classes, and they can work at their own pace. This is great for students who have other commitments, such as work or family responsibilities. Another benefit of online schooling is that it can be more affordable than traditional schooling. Students don't have to pay for things like transportation, housing, or meal plans, which can add up to a lot of money. Additionally, many online schools offer financial aid to help students pay for their education.

Online schooling can also be beneficial because it can provide access to a wider range of courses and programs. Students can take classes from anywhere in the world, and they can choose from a variety of programs that may not be available at their local school. This can help them gain new skills and knowledge that they might not have been able to acquire otherwise.Finally, online schooling can be beneficial because it can help students develop important digital skills that are essential in today's workforce. Students will learn how to use various online tools and platforms, which can help them be more productive and efficient in their future careers.


Overall, I think online schooling can be a great option for many students. It offers flexibility, affordability, access to a wider range of courses and programs, and the opportunity to develop important digital skills.




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  • Glad you got this posted! I would like to see your summary start with an explanation of your topic a bit more. This was posted a week late.

  • I think that in-person schooling is more beneficial than online. Being in the classroom has the benefits of being able to talk to a teacher and not be distracted by being in your own home. Another thing about being in-person is the social aspect of being able to hang out and talk to their friends.

  • I think having online school has its benefits like being there own home, a place where you know and are comfy in but students may get distracted more easily than being in school. I think being in school just makes it easier for students to learn and to have access to talking to the teacher in person.

    • I agree, I think being in a safe anc comfortable learning space can help alot with grades attendence and lots of other things.

  • Online schooling is way better than in person because most people don't like school because of the people that are in it if you were online people would probably be more focused and more productive because they are not people around to bother them 

    • I agree the social part of in person school can be neccesay but only to an extent and having friends outside of school would be more benifical for students being in online school.

  • I personally think that online schooling can be benefiting for some people so they can work at their own pace but it could hurt a lot of students too. Some students that have a hard time concentrating so doing school at home could end in them not learning anything. 

  • I think that online schooling could be more beneficial than in person learning for certain people. Certain kids learn differently than others. Online would allow these kids to move at their own pace. Also, I think that online schooling could be more beneficial because it would get rid of classes that are used to fill a schedule.

  • I think that online schooling is benificial in certain ways. You get to learn more without any classroom distractions. I think that you would learn more at your own pace so nothing slows you down. The only downside to online schooling is that you dont get any social interaction with peers. 

  • I hate online school. I feel that a big part of school is learning about human interaction. You learn how to communicate with others adn ask questions. I feel that online school doesnt educate you enough. Plus its much easier to cheat online. I personally dislike it. However its a good alternative. Good topic!

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