We all know that NFL is a very competitive contact sport, what if I told THAT NFL IS SCRIPTED. It is very hard to prove that NFL is scripted but there are some evidence that prove other wise. Some people say that during practices, they are just practicing their scripted. Although it is very hard to scripted something like this, but we all know in the WWE it shows it is possible. These days AI has been more and more advaced so NFL is starting to take advantage of it.
There was a video I watched called The entire history of NFL. At the end of the video it showed the future of NFL and it was basically AI taking over refs and camera crews. So the cameras would predict the plays based on how they were position. ANYone can predict a play, so im not sure thats true, NFL is scripted, and a former NFL player Arian Foster admits that it is. People say that it was just a "joke" but I highly doubt that, and NFL is going to start losing the meaning of football if they start using Ai more.
Does anyone notice that the cheifs and 49rs, are always at the top, I can name atleast 3 beter teams then them, Ravens, Miami dolphins, and packers. This is my opinion so I don't care what you say. Anyways NFl is probably the greatest sport in America, so if we found out that it was scripted that would ruin everyones opinion on the sport. That would mean NFL would lose A LOT OF MONEY, that is why they don't want anyone to know
Do you think that NFL is scripted??
Would you be sad to hear that NFL was scripted??
What is your favorite NFL team?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGzxlY_7ZyY Watch at 26:20 in the video
I agree people would be very shocked to find out that the thing they look forward to on sunday nights is scripted thats why they hide it the best they can.
I don't think that the NFL is scripted because the game and the playing is very real looking. It would be sad if the NFL was scripted because many people enjoy watching it and they enjoy the authenticity of it. I don't watch football so I don't have a favorite team.
The game is sopposed to look real, football has been been around for a VERY long time so i think people know to make it look real.
Honestly, I don't think the NFL is scripted, things seem too real to be scripted. It doesn't sound or look scripted. If it was that would make lots of people very upset, me included. The NFL just doesn't seem scripted, so I don't believe it. My favorite NFL team is The Cheifs.
I think that some parts arn't scripted but I do think that they have parts that lead to a certain teams advantage.
I dont think it is scripted. but i would be sad if that was true. i dont think it is true because they work there butts off. If it was scripted then that would be vary dumb and alll the speaches they did woluldent mean anything.
I do think that the speeches are real, but I am not sure that the games are because of lots of reasons.
I don't think the NFL is scripted but there are a lot of questionable flags that have been called in big games that have influenced a team winning the game. I would be sad to hear the NFL is scripted because the players aren't actually giving their true talents because they know they are going to lose the game.
I agree on what your saying, there has been lots of weird calls made between the refs, and I think thats what happened in the finals against the ravens, and the cheifs. The ravens was literly picked to win that game but some how they didnt which let the most popular teams to get in the superbowl. The superbowl is the most watched game of the year, and now they have the most popular team playing in it, ALONG WITH TAYLOR SWIFT being at the superbowl.
I don't think that NFL is a scripted. NFL probably ruin everything in some sports but not all. I don't have a NFL fav team.