IS MTSS necessary

 MTSS is a waste of time in my opinion because it takes 30-45 mins out of our day, that's extra time just to review when we can just review in class. It also wastes the teachers' time, because they can just let the students do their forum posts in class. I understand why we don't do it in class now with all the presentations we need to do, but why didn't we do them in class earlier in the year?



    I understand that MTSS is to get the help you need, but that's why study hall exists, and for the people that don't have study hall, you should find time to work with that teacher, if you're in any clubs, most of the teachers stay after school anyway, so why not get help?  You don't need an entire period dedicated to one thing. Yes, I understand that there're people that are busy before and after school, but you need to be wise with your time and make time for schoolwork. 


If we got rid of MTSS, then not only would the school day shorten, but we'd also be saving time.  The teachers would have to put up with us for less time, the students would have less time in school, so we, students, would be extraordinarily happy. If the school took away MTSS, then everyone would be a lot happier to go, because it'd shorten the day by like 30-45 minutes.

Do you think that MTSS should be removed from the school schedule? why or why not?


Do you think that MTSS is a necessity? Why or why Not?

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  • MTSS is a good use of time in my opinion because it gives extra review and study time and work time for homework, the school told us last year how it signifigantly lowered the number of F's in the school program throughout all classes 9,10,11,12, so i think it should stay yes.

  • I don't think MTSS should be taken away from the schedule because although most of the time I  have nothing to do and I just end up signing up for random stuff I do tend to do something important here and there. Like catching up with a teacher in a day that I was gonne. Or if I had better time management skills sing up to do forum posts. Since they already got rid of academic support I don't believe they should get rid of MTSS.

  • I don't think that MTSS should be taken away because I take advantage of it and get help with my classes that I need. I also use it to make up test and finish up any work I need to get done. Some days its also great to have MTSS because I need a break from work. 

  • I think that MTSS should stay as part of the school day. I find it helpful when you need a little extra help in a subject or you need to do some makeup work. I think that MTSS is something that is beneficial to the school day. This time lets students get caught up on work and lets teachers bring in students that need more help. 

  • I personally believe that MTSS isn't a necessity and should be taken out of the school schedule. Most school kids don't only use MTSS as study sessions rather they use it as going to a classroom and watching documentaries and playing computer games. This is why I believe that MTSS should be taken out of our school schedules.

    • I agree and disagree with you. I play games and watch Netflix during MTSS a lot of the time, but when I've needed help with a class I've been able to get that help without going in before or after school. A lot of students don't have a study hall to go talk to a teacher which is why I think that MTSS helps, but a agree that it isn't a necessity. It could be taken out the schedule and I wouldn't mind, but it definitely helps a lot of students. 

    • I agree, I think that it is a waste for a lot of kids because most students dont do anything in class. Normally I see kids playing games or watching Netflix because there isnt a lot to do in it. Because most students have a studyhall at some point during the day anyway. 

  • I think MTSS is a good addition to everyones schedule. Many kids are stressed out and loaded with work. MTSS helps them catch up and maybe have a little fun everyday. If a student is falling behind, this is a chance to catch up, expesially since teachers can request you.

    • I agree with you and aslo disagree. I agree because if you are behind it can get you caught up. I disagree with you becuase most kids don't sign up anyway and if they do they just go into the class and play games which is a waste of time. 

  • I think MTSS should be taken out of the schedule because many students don't use it for school purposes they use it for a break in there day. That's what I do I usally go to the gym and just have fun but it's a waste of my time. And some students use it for school purposes.

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