Impact of social media on teenagers


     I believe that the impact social media has on teenagers was most definitely not the intended purpose. The reason the internet was invented was to let kids and teens have the knowledge of the world at their fingertips but instead of that the internet is being used for almost the exact opposite.

     Instead of kids learning how to do multiplication they are learning how to shoot a gun at the age of 5, teens, while been more mature do use it for searching up an answer to a question, they also tend to do various other things like learning how to harm others for fun and even going as far as telling someone to end their own life, and there are two types of ways people react to that, some might have the mindset of “this person doesn’t know me therefore i'm not gonna let them get on my nerves”, or the mindset of letting them get into your head and believing what they say might be true.

     But on the other hand the internet isn’t all that bad, it does have the information on anything you’ll want to know, and I do believe that we should be able to have the knowledge but there are some people who need to learn who they are as a person before they get on the internet and try to learn other things that aren’t as important

     In conclusion, I believe that the internet is far from being safe and should be used by people who only need the information they need and not for cyberbullying others on video games, and everyone needs to help each other change the negativity of the internet.




Do you think the internet should been banned for certian age groups, if so why and what age?

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  • So glad you go this done on time and you made the top five! Well done! Now the topic has been done before and be sure to reply back to students more freuquently. 

  • I don't think the internet should be banned. Besides, I don't even really think it can be banned. Also, this is mostly a parenting decision. If their child is having too much screen time then just limit it instead of banning it for certain age groups. Some of the kids who have to deal with the ban might not even have screen time issues.

  • I dont think the internet should be banned to anyone I think it should simply be a parenting choice. If parents want there kids to go on the internet then they do if they dont then they can take that away from them or set restrictions. 

  • I don't think that the internet should be banned to anyone, as it is becoming more of a basic human need every day. I do believe, however, that there should be better regulations for where you can go on the Internet.

  • I do not think the internet should be banned for certain age groups because it should be the parents choice. If the parents think their kid shouldn't have any type of internet then they could limit things for their child.

  • I think the internet should be banned for kids the age of ten and under because there are too many bad hobbies they can get from bad influencers that their parents may not like.  but it should not be banned for people above those ages because they may need it for work purposes.

  • I think that the internet can be a harmful place. But the solution to these problems is not to get rid of the internet altogether, but for the individual to have a good support system in their lives. For everyone willing to tear someone down there is always someone to build them back up and it is on the individual to recognize a harmful space and take themselves out of that situation.

  • I personally believe that social media has a very negative impact on teenagers because we are now used to sitting on our phones instead of doing somthing that is more  productive or benefical than what scoail media is, but i do not think that it should be banned.

  • most of the teenagers use in the wrong way the internet they dont use it anymore to learn about what is happening around the world they just want to know the new trend of tiktok or how to cheat in a test or stuff like that they dont use it for the purpose for that ws created.

  • I think if your partenst leyt you have it then you should be able to have it. You just have to watch what sites you go on and watch what you do. I think you should be age 10 up before the big social media.

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