Immigrants Illegal Transportation

Back then a Large-scale immigration in the 1830s to the 1850s came from Britain, Ireland and Germany, and most were attracted by the cheap farmland. Some were artisans and skilled factory workers who were attracted by the first stage of industrialization. Immigrants were transportend to our country to either get a well paying job that would help them and their family or had no choice but to escape from mexico to live a better life from the bad things that happends there like the cartel we we know from this is that "A federal law does exist that makes it a crime to transport (or attempt to transport) an undocumented noncitizen within the U.S." which means that they are not ment to cross over to the U.S without documented papers which can grant you acceces to crossing the border. For immigrants there are several means of transportation used by migrants including airplanes, coaches and trains, cars and taxis, ships, ferries, boats, rubber dinghies and even bicycles or donkeys theses are ways that they get into the U.S while trying not to get detected right now there is currently 45 million immigrants in the U.S but out of 45 million there is 11.4 that are illegal.

I believe that if people want to live better lives then we should except there wishes because it's better to help then harm those who just want to leave their old one and start a new life a fresh start.

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  • I don't think that immigration is a good thing because there will be a higher population. Without checkpoints to not let people into the united states there will also be less security. Which means more illegal things will be brought into the country.

  • I don't think immigration is good because it can lead to an overpopulation. Also their can be som ebad things brought into America which is not good espicially if we look in long terms.

  • I think that imigration can be good as long as it is regualted by the government beause many new ideas come from people who imigrated here. The United states was also origingal built on imigration from great britain. 

    • I agree with you as long as its regulated by the goverment then it will all be fine and I didn't know that The United states was also origingal built on imigration from great britain thank you for the history on that.

  • I think immigration is not a good thing because the government is allowing anyone to come into our country.  Which isn't good because it can allow many bad things to come into our country undetected. I also think bad people could also come into our country can come into our undetected.

    • I agree with you on this because it's ture if they can come into our country easy then that means that other people from other countries can just get into ours and can cause terrorism in our land.

  • I think immigration can be a great thing that happens in our world. It allows people to learn new things, and continue to expand our country. I think it sucks that it has become limitied due to stereotypes around certain groups of people. Hopefully that will change soon. 

    • I completely agree with you on this to allow immagrants to expirence a better life and learning new things is somthing they have been wanting but it does suck that it has been limatied due to stereotypes.

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