How much daylight do you prefer?

In places like Alaska it is bright out usually all day during the summer. And in the Winter it is dark most of the time. A lot of people who live there say they don’t mind it in the summer because the days are so long. But in the winter it can get annoying to having your world always be dark.  I have even seen a couple videos where people will be leaving a resturant or something at 11 or 12 pm and it is completely bright outside where they are. 


To cope with having it bright most of the day, people will have to buy blackout curtains. Although on warm days, you need to keep windows open and fans running to cool the house at night – which means no curtains. They also said taking vitamin D is highly important in the winter because the human body produces less of it when it’s not exposed to enough sunlight. This is especially true in northern areas of Alaska, where civil twilight is the lightest it gets for some 60 days since the sun doesn’t rise above the horizon from mid- to late November until late January.


They say that it’s mostly dark from about mid-november to mid-january. Which basically means that once the sun sets in November, residents won't see daylight for two months. I personally don’t know if I could handle having it dark all of the time or bright. I like when you leave somewhere and it’s dark so you know to go home. Or if you wake up and it is still dark outside you know you woke up too early. There are many reasons why I like living where we do when the light is normally the same. But if I had to choose one I think I would like it to be bright all of the time. 


Would you rather have it bright out all of the time or dark? Why?


Or do you just like the way it is where we live? Explain.


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    • Yeah, I also like when it gets darker in the winter. 

  • I would rather it be light out all of the time. The sun would definitely get annoying, especially at night, but the dark 24/7 would get depressing. I find it very difficult to stay productive when it gets dark, and I get a lot less motivated in the winter when the sun sets earlier.

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