Hospitalt Gives up Counting the Dead

Three weeks ago on Thursday Saudi Arabia began air strikes on the Houthi Rebels in Yemen. Everybody living in Yemen describes these days as terrifying. one hospital visited by the reporters that said they had given up trying to count the dead and dying after the death tolls stretched into the hundreds. several military commandeers said that the air strikes were working and that they we felt that they were pushing back Houthi forces. they are currently working on a contingency plan to receive 130,000 refuges with in the next six months. Houthis forced Hadi from power in january although Hadi still claimed to have legitimate leadership  and is working with the Saudis and other allies to return the Yemen. The Iranian government has been accused of supporting the Houthis uprising in Yemen by those allied with Hadi.

Do you think the bombings were worth it considering the casualties?

Do you think that Iran had anything to do with the uprising.

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  • Good but stay away from yes and no questions.

  • If the rebel group was really threatening then it might have been worth it.

  • It depends on how big and violent the rebel group was. If it was a decently small group that's only had a few small incidents, then no, hundreds don't need to die for it. If it's a group that does as violent of things as ISIS and is growing at a similar pace, then yes it's worth it. I don't really have any background on this topic, so I could flip a coin on what I thought and it'd be just as good of reasoning as I could give on my own.

    • do you think that the missile strikes are doing more damage than the rebels would have.

  • I think that hospitals should keep count of the amount of deceased in their country even if it includes mass killing of people. I think that many year down the road, people are going to want to know how many people died in this tragic event. I think that giving up on counting the dead is foolish because they never gave up trying to count how many people died in the Holocaust or the total amount of people who died in WWII all together. This is going to be a huge part of this countries history and I think it's sad that they've just given up hope and stopped caring about how many people actually died. 

    • I agree that the dead should be counted and could impact history but do you think there is a better way to go about it.

  • They probably knew beforehand that there was going to be causalities that they didn't want. Iran probably did something to help because it's Iran, and they aren't the smartest government.  

    • do you think they expected this many causalities and why do you think they dont start the bombings

  • Yeah I think they were. I think that they probably did. 

    • why

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