April fools day is a tradition celebrated or practiced every year on April first. It is a day full of tricks or jokes typically followed by the words “April Fools!” April Fools day has been around for centuries and is celebrated by many different cultures. Its true origin can be considered a mystery. There are only theories about how Aprils Fools truly came to be.
Some historians date April Fools Day back to 1582. This was when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Georgian calendar. In the Julian calendar the new year began around April 1st. The Georgian calendar started the new year in January. Many people didn’t acknowledge the change to January and continued to celebrate it in April. It became a widespread joke, people would make paper fish and place them on their backs meaning , “poisson d’avril,” or april fish. It was meant to mean an easily caught fish or a gullible person.
Do you like April Fools Day?
Have you ever done a prank on someone for April Fools Day? If so, what was it?
Did you know the history of April Fools Day?
I like april fools day. I have never done a prank. Yeah I read the article.
I do like April Fools some jokes are funny by people and make people laugh but not all jokes aren't funny and might scare or embarress other people. I never done a prank on April Fools but it might be fun on doing one and making it funny. I don't know much of the history of April Fools.
I like April fools day. I do not usually participate because it is also my dads birthday. We have done cake pops but with brussel sprouts for my dads birthday. I did not know about the history of April fools day till I read your paragraphs.
I do like April fools day it is a fun day where you can prank people. I have done April fools day pranks, I don't remember what they were. I did not know the history of April Fools day until I read it today. The only flaw is everyone knows that it is April 1st and what people will do because of the day.
I think that April Fools Day can be a fun day but I think that some people get a little carried away and turn the pranks from a joke into something mean. I have done a few April Fools Day pranks when I was younger but I haven't done any recently. I have never heard about the history of April Fools Day.
I think that April Fool pranks are funny until they are done to me. This year one of my friends pranked me that my favorite basketball player left Iowa State. I can't ever recall doing a prank on somebody on april fools. I also did not know the history of april fools day.
I don't like april fools day, I think the pranks are not funny. I have never done april fools day pranks, I am not a mean person. I didn't know about the history of April fools day and its pretty interesting. 1582 was a long time ago.
I used to like it and love to do the pranks but I don't like when they are done to me. I love the fun games and jokes that happen on April Fool's Day. I have done pranks on my own family and some friends. I did not know the history of April Fools Day.
I like April fools day, Its a fun day where you can just mess around with people and then they dont get mad because its April fools. I have done a prank on my family a couple times. I didnt know the history of April fools but it is interesting.
I agree, it is fun to prank your family on this day.