Gwen Stefani Leaving “The Voice”

Did you know that Gwen Stefani is leaving the voice? For now, Gwen’s experience on the voice is coming to an end, other hoping someday she will come back. So who will take her chair in 2020? Nick Jonas is planning on taking Gwen’s chair in the year 2020. Gwen was  overwhelmed with her Vegas show and “The Voice” which is the main reason she is leaving. Many people say they are going to miss her crazy outfits and hair, as well as her and Blake’s cat fights. Gwen and Blake Shelton are always fighting against each other for a signer. Which brings laughter to everyone, due to the fact they are a couple. They always seem to be making funny girlfriend/ boyfriend remarks to each other. Gwen will be deeply missed by America. To read more about Gwen leaving “The Voice” click here. 

How do you think this will affect Gwen and Blake’s relationship?

             I don't think Gwen leaving will effect their relationship, due to the fact that they have been together for a few years now. I’m sure they will miss casting with each other, but they see each other plenty of other times.

 Do you think some people will stop watching “The Voice” once Gwen leaves?

            I don't think many people will stop watching the voice. Due to the fact that most people watch the show for the signers and the entertainment from the judges is a plus. Unless some people only watch the show for Gwen then I would see why they would stop watching the show.

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  • I agree, her leaving shouldn't affect their relationship much besides they won't be casting together. Her leaving could actually help the relationship because she is more free and has more time to plan things. I doubt many people will stop watching because like you said they watch for the singers not the judges.

    • I bet that they will miss casting together. I do see how it could help their relationship, as long as Blake isnt to busy with the show. Hopefully Blake and Gwen and both find time to spend together, which im sure they will. You are right, fans watch for the singers mostly and not the judges.

  • I don't think it will affect their relationship because like you said the fact that they have been together for years and maybe they will miss working together. I don't people will stop watching The Voice because although she was an important piece of the show people can still enjoy watching The voice. 

    • Agreed, due to them being together for a few years it should not effect their relationship. No doubt that they will miss working together. I hope people still continue to watch the show. Im assuming people will still watch the show because it brings entertainment to them.

  • I dont think it will affect their relationship at all, but it will definately affect a lot of fans! Gwen Stefani was my favorite judge on the show and I sure am going to miss seeing her. All of the judges spice up the competition with their funny remarks and reactions but I really will miss seeing Gwen. Nick Jonas has a big name to live up to!

    • That is right, it will effect some fans. I just hope that the same amount of people still watch it as before. I hope you still are able to watch the voice and still have the same entertainment. Yes, Nick does have some things to live up to.

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