France Bombs ISIS in Syria

Following the major terrorist attacks in Paris, France this past Thursday (November 12), the French military bombed a series of ISIS sites. This is after the many bombings, shootings and hostage situations all taking place in France. The terrorist group, ISIS has taken responsibility for all of these happenings. France's President described these as acts of war. 

On Sunday, 10 French fighter jets flew to the city of Raqqa, Syria. ISIS describes Raqqa as the capital of their caliphate. French fighter jets dropped 20 bombs over various spots in Raqqa. These included a command center, recruitment center, ammunition storage and a training camp, all belonging to ISIS. The French military has destroyed all of these buildings. 

Should America be worried about terrorist attacks? Why? 

Would it have been better for France to not bomb ISIS? 

 I think that America should be worried about ISIS coming for our country next. We have already shown support for France during this time, giving ISIS even more of a reason than before to attack. I think that if France wouldn't have bombed back that ISIS might keep on with their attacks, but with them bombing, this could lead to war. 

You can find the whole story here.

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  • Excellent job!!

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    • I agree. With all of our different agencies (FBI, DHS, etc.) we are a lot safer than other countries that don't have our level of security. 

  • I definitely think that the US should be worried about terrorist attacks as you never know where ISIS will attack next. ISIS wants to put very powerful countries down and with France one of the most powerful countries in Europe is under attack and can lead to serious consequences for Europe. So once Europe is under attack and not as safe as before, ISIS will definitely start trying to weaken the United States.

  • Yes I think we should be because they may want to start want to start targeting us and trying to go for us. I think they should just leave it because if they bomb them there is going to be a war and we will end up going into it or something.

  • I think America is always worried about terrorist attacks. Anybody can act upon any moment and we could have no idea, such as what happened in France. I think France did what they think was right and ISIS did deserve payback but I think that bombing them may have just made them more angry and now they may want to come for us even more than they did before. 

    • I agree that we should always be worried for terrorist attacks, since we are one of the most powerful nations in the world. I definitely think that France did this for payback, but it could potentially lead to a war. 

  • I think France definitely did the right thing by fighting back against Isis. America shouldn't be too worried because any BIG attack would almost definitely be detected by our security agencies.

  • America should definitely be worried about terrorist attacks. With ISIS spreading it's propaganda all over the world via internet, there is no escaping their attacks and methods of cruelty. ISIS gave an online statement saying that France was just the beginning, so we can only conclude that they will coordinate attacks in other countries including the U.S. Even though I hate the thought of being engaged in another war, I think bombing ISIS was something France had to do because the world is at a point where ISIS needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, and these attacks may help weaken their grip. That being said, bombing ISIS will not be enough in defeating them for their supporters are stretched and hidden farther than the Middle East, and with the use of the internet ISIS has made it difficult for us to decipher who poses a terrorist-like threat and who doesn't. The U.S. and France need to figure out ways to try to stop ISIS's message from spreading on the internet and prevent young people from going over to the Middle East to partake in this war.

  • I think we should be worried because they have attacked a lot of other countries and they only have the most powerful countries left. I think france has done many of the right things but ISIS just decided to attack them. 

    • I agree. ISIS is trying to take down the world superpowers like France and the U.S. But why do they need to do this?

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