Football Kills 3 High School Players

All in one week three high school football players were killed, with the normal cause of  brain injuries.

Tom Cutinella, a 16 year old boy from a suburban New York high school, played on the Shoreham-Wading River High School's team. His accident took place after he blocked a player and stood up and moments later collapsed, and later died at the local hospital.

Demario Harris Jr., a  17 year old player for Charles Henderson High School in Alabama, died after making a tackle. It was said by his father that he had a brain hemorrhage not an aneurysm.

Isaiah Langston, a 17 year old from Rolesville High School in North Carolina, collapsed before a game. His brother said that the accident had to do with a blood clot in his brain.

All these families, friends, and entire communities have majorly been affected. I personally think that an improvement in the protection gear would be a good thing to possibly look into. I also think that these are many of the everyday freak accidents that happen in life and like in any sport, you go into it knowing the possible injuries, but don't always think of them being as serious as death. 

Do you think that they should make helmets safer or neck gear should be added? OR Do you think these types of accidents are not very common and things will stay the same?



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  • Well done Clara! Good topic!

  • They could always make the helmet safer and they have evolved over the years. 

  • I think it is a very rare thing that they die. I think that they should add a neck brace that is connected to your shoulder pads. Some people have them but not all. It would help a lot by getting rid of whiplash.  

  • I think that they need to have better equipment for people playing football. There is no reason for a teenager, or anyone to die because of the game of football. 

    • I agree that no one should have to die because of any sport because but I think it is hard to convince many people because accidents like these are a rare thing.

  • Company's are all ways coming out with new, safer helmets so that won't change. These deaths sound like they had other physical problems so I don't think anything will change.

  • I think that they could always make the helmets  better, but you really can't prevent injury in a lot of sports no matter how much precaution you take.

  • I feel like its a case of both. Better helmets would be great but you always have to remember that in almost all sport there is always the chance of getting severely inured. I think it was just a coincidence that these three players all died in one week.

    • Yes I think it was a coincidence that the players died, but yes the helmet safety should be increased but I think that could be hard to do also but as long as they meet safety standards or are above quality it would be good.

  • They should keep an update on the helmets and make sure that the player's safety is their number 1 priority.

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