Food prices rising

Lately food prices have increased significantly, and it is predicted that they will keep increasing. Their prices are projected to increase 9 to 11.5% of what they were, two of the foods that are predicted to increase are beef and seafood. Beef is predicted to go up 5.5 to 6.5% and seafood is predicted to go up 9 to 10%. It's not just food in your stores that are increasing, it is also fast food restaurants. Many fast food chains are raising prices on their food but they are skimpiering down food proportions and still expect us to pay more. Two notable fast food chains that are doing this are dominos and burger king. Domino’s has increased their mix and max delivery deal from $5.99 to $6.99, Burger King has cut their 10 piece chicken nuggets to 8 pieces. 

Those aren’t the only two fast food restaurants that have increased their prices, chipotle, starbucks, and mcdonalds are also some places that have increased prices. Chipotle has increased 10%, McDonalds increased 6% just in 2021, and Starbucks has increased their prices more than 3 times since october. Inflation is one of the biggest reasons all of this is happening but its not the only reason. Another reason is demand, the demand for fast food has rocketed up because places are reopening after covid and people are leaving their house for food. Covid is also another reason although covid has died down some factories that package or produce foods have not fully recovered and or opened.


What do you think of increasing food prices?

Do you think fast food restaurants should go back to there old prices?,between%2010.5%20and%2011.5%20percent

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  • Good job overall Jake and good topic choice! Be sure to include more of your thoughts and opinionms within your summary as well.

  • I think increasing prices are only due to supply and demand. After and during the pandemic, many food places produced less than normal amounts of food because many people weren't going out and going to restaurants. I think once the supply of food gets back up prices will start going down and back to normal

  • For increasing food prices it's very proportionate to the rise in inflation.  So it's not necessarily the increase of fast food prices as much as it is the increase of living as a whole. As the value of the dollar decreases the more you have to pay for common stuff. That's basic economics. But what you may not know is that when the dollar amount drops, food and other price things goes up but salaries stay pretty much stay the same with little to no raises. With that the case my opinion stands that any restaurant or service at all should be able to jack up their prices in their right to commerce. That helps them make a profit to pay their employees more so that they can then buy stuff in return, continuing the cycle.

    • I agree and dissagree abram because i get that inlfation is a thing and it is a big part of it but its not just inflation for that reason, i dont think that inflation would cause a 5 dollar meel turn into a 10 dollar meal after just one year, but i agree with the restaruants just trying to pay employees and make money at the same time i just think that they have raised the prices to much.

  • I work at a grocery store and I always see people complaining about how they only got a few things and it cost them $40. I understand the food is transported by semi trucks and the cost of diesel is very expensive. Its not very easy to make the food either. 

    • I also hear tons of people complaining so i agree with you there and I too understand that like you said diesel cost a lot and food takes time and effort to make it but the least the resturante or grocery stores could do is lower the prices just a little bit, because even a little bit could help people out.

  • yes fast food restraunts should go back to the old prices the prices now are rising a lot and should go down

  • I think that the food price are going up to much. Some familys and people can't afford to buy food since the price are super high. But we just have to wait until they lower back down to their regular prices.

    • I agree, many people are having food crises and are not able to provide for there family due to the rise in price, i also think that we are going to have to wait but stores should lower prices because like i just said many people are having hard times getting food to survive.

  • I think that the food prices are just way too high, some parents cannot afford to keep food on the table for their family. I think fast-food restaurants should return to their old prices because their food quality isn't good. Before inflation, you could get a meal for $5 and now it is $10. I believe eventually food prices will go back to their normal prices, it will just take a while. 

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