Does music help you do your homework better or not?

Listening to music may motivate you, improve your mood, and help relax well while working on homework. It can help you focus while you study or work. Yet different types of music have different effects. Many people find listening to music helps them concentrate on studying and working. Music offers lots of benefits like improved mood, improved memory, and brain stimulation, and better management of pain and fatigue. Music doesn’t affect everyone in the same way. Music doesn’t just motivate you. It also helps reduce stress and promote a more positive mindset. In a study in 2013 of 60 female volunteers carried a psychological stress test while listening to relaxing music, sounds of rippling water, or no particular sound. Results suggesting listening to relaxing music makes a physical difference. To the way, people respond psychologically And physically.  A study in 2021 patients in the ICU felt less pain and anxiety after listening to music for 30 minutes than before. Researchers suggest a good mood generally improves your learning outcome. You'll likely have more success studying and learning new materials when you're feeling good. Studying can be stressful even when you don't entirely understand that subject material. Feeling overwhelmed or upset putting on some music may help you relax and work more efficiently. The way it can motivate you is by getting a reward after something you do. Perhaps you promise yourself a reward in order you get through the study session, it could be such as a latest episode of your favorite show you like or your favorite takeout meal. Research from 2019 suggests music can activate the reward centers in your brain Just like other things you enjoy. Reward yourself with your favorite music and provide the motivation you need to learn new information. A study in 2007 classical music helps your brain absorb and interpret new information more easily. Your brain processes an abundance of Information that receive from the world around you by separating it into smaller segments. Researchers found evidence that suggests music can engage your brain in such a way that it trains you to pay attention better to events and also make predictions about what might happen. In a study in 2011 of 41 boys diagnosed with ADHD background music distracted some of them, but it appeared to lead to better performance in the classroom for others.

Benefits of studying while listening to music. With that highly detailed biology exam around the corner, you have been hitting the books every spare second you have. During nightly starlit study sessions continuously trudge past midnight the hours multiply. Is there a more beneficial practice rather an else spending hours upon hours silently studying in your bedroom? You have likely heard before that music helped you study. But do you know why your parents and teachers alike urge you to tune into iTunes? Study has shown music produces several positive effects on the human body and brain. Music activates both the left and right side of the brain at the same time, active activation of both hemispheres can maximize learning and improve memory. Listening to music has proven to ease students' stress. In the middle of a busy semester, student's stress runs high. That's the perfect reason to study your class notes while listening to music it's proven to reduce stress. Music is a way that helps process emotions and strengthen their resolve when being overwhelmed. People often turn to music that they can relate to because it helps them deal with stress In their own way. Not only will listening to music help you concentrate while you study it also keeps your stress at Bay being able to put you in a learning mood. Anxiety is a crippling blockade between students and being able to concentrate on their textbooks or research. Is there a way to beat it? Let’s pretend you were offered a free soothing message while you were in a study session for the duration of your high school years. This would lower levels of anxiety and tension well you're reviewing your notes. It's official your favorite music or whatever you listen to can reduce anxiety as much as a soothing message. anxiety-stricken students should listen to music before heading to the library. That way they will feel relaxed at ease and ready to conquer chapter after chapter. Listening to music is proven to help people perform better and high-pressure situations such as events that as finals week. 

Why listening to music is bad to do well studying. You can lose track of time when you're studying. You can't think it can offer comfort and increase focus or so you thought. Until coming across the work of Dr. Nick Perham. He is a teacher in the School of Health Science at the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff. His study shows that music can interfere with short-term memory performance. Which involves a subject conducting a task recalling a series of numbers while listening to different music. They found that listening to music liked or disliked was exactly the same both were even worse than quiet control conditions. They both impaired performances on serial-recall tasks In some ways, you might think music is helping you others may think it's not here's the reasoning behind that. If you are listening to music well while studying for something an important part is how the music impacts the power to distract. If you feel sad or stressed distracting yourself by listening to music can lift your spirits. It probably isn't what you should be doing when you need to do your work. You're trying to argue your position on writing a paper or trying to solve a difficult calculus equation. Music that is too loud or fast might interrupt your thoughts and it can make you procrastinate with your process. Certain types of music like the song Paint the Town Red by Doja Cat or instrumental music that's too fast and loud can make it harder to be able to understand and absorb reading material. What kind of music works best when you are studying try to avoid music with lyrics because it will probably prove more of a distraction than helpful. Avoid surprising or experimental music because it lacks a fixed rhythm it may leave you guessing about what to expect. This can distract you and keep you from focusing on your work. Don’t listen to songs that you have strong feelings about listening to the music you either love or hate can affect your ability to concentrate.

The Benefits of Studying with Music.” Florida National University, 13 August 2019, Accessed 24 September 2023.

Cutler, David. “Don't Listen to Music While Studying.” Edutopia, Accessed 24 September 2023.

Gepp, Karin. “Music and Studying: Do They Go Together?” Healthline, Accessed 24 September 2023.

Do you think that listening to music helps you? Why or why not?

What do you  think of both sides?

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  • I don't really listen to music just because of the environment. Another reason why I don't is because it's just a hassel getting out my earbuds and picking the right song. I think both sides have great information, but I strongly agree with the disadvantages because of losing focus. My take is that students can choose if they want to listen or not, it just depends on  the teacher.

  • I feel like, for me, music helps me focus more. I don't listen to crazy loud music, I like to listen to folk songs. They are calm music and they can help me focus on tasks. I don't think most music can help people focus. They just need to find the right kind of music they can listen too. 

    • Appsolutly it just depends who you are and what works for you. An what helps you focus.

  • For me, it depends on what type of music I'm listening to if it's new music to me I'm trying to learn it but if it's music I've heard before I can focus better. However it can be distracting at times I might start singing the song and go completely off-topic from what i was doing. 

    • Yeah I can see that because you want to learn new music to have fun.

  • I dont listen to music while im working on assignments becuase and kinda distracts me, but I can picture why poeple like listiens to music while they work. But it could feel overwhelming or harder to remember your studys or work

  • In my opinion, music relaxes me and keeps me focused on my work and know one else's. I love to listen to music while studying or doing homework because I really think it does keep me calm and focused. Yes, sometimes I do find myself paying for attention to the actual song instead of my homework, but all in all, I think that listening to music is a great way to keep me focused on things like homework.

    • Yes music can do that it can make you relax and calm. But it has to be the right music for you.

  • Music helps motivate me to get things done, usually when I get upset the music i listen to can help my mood, although sometimes I can get distracted. But I do think it helps improve my working skills, like homework.

  •  in my opinion it depends what type of music you are listening to. I you are listening to jazz music or just like instumetal music i would say thats okay or at least  that has helped me when im doing my homework, but if you are listening to music with words or something like that than i would say that wouldnt help you focus.

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