There are a number of sports in the state of Iowa that have weekend tournaments such as wrestling, volleyball, and basketball.  Tournaments typically happen on the weekends because they can’t get them done after school. There just isn’t enough time to finish them.  For example, wrestling tournaments could last from 8 in the morning to 5 or 6 o’clock at night.  They take up plenty of time. Another issue with weekend tournaments is the toll it can take on a young athlete’s body.  It can also wear down an athlete’s drive to compete. 


According to ksla 12 news,  during youth weekend basketball tournaments there are a number of fights amongst the parents.  In some ways it seems like the parents want to be at the tournaments more than the kids.  USA football states that it may be more important to do your homework than attend a sporting event.  Almost 7% of student athletes make it to college, therefore it may be smarter for children to focus on academics rather than attending these tournaments on the weekends. 

Personally I am not a fan of these weekend tournaments.  I don’t like that they take up most of my weekend.  I like to have some time off after school gets out for the weekend.  I am a hunter and I enjoy it but it is difficult to get out and go hunting on the weekend in the winter because of these tournaments.  Don’t get me wrong I love sports but I would love some time off on the weekends rather than playing a sport that I play all week. 

What is your opinion on weekend tournaments?


Do you think that weekend tournaments are reasonable? Why or why not? 

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  • Good topic choice and well done overall Hayden! Your summary is good but would like to see a bit more.

  • I do not think that weekend tourneys should be a thing for high schools students. They need that weekend for down time and to do what they want to do with that weekend. They could go hunting, fishing or whatevery they wanted to do with that weekend.

  • I don't think that there should be sports tournaments on the weekend because kids might want to take a break from everything and lay down and chill and some kids might have to work and they can't get it off. I think that there is a reason because some teams might not have time during the weeks and they would have to to it during the weekends.

  • I think that its is good to have sports torunaments because some parents can't get off work to go watch their kid play a sports. I think that they are reasonable because some people can't make it during the week cause they are always busy.

  • I think that there should be weekend tournaments because it can be a lot of fun and during the week there is just not enough time. However, there only should be a few tournaments during the season so the student athletes can also have some time off. 

  • I think that kids should be able to do weekend tournaments if they would like. There is no reason kids should be forced to do something they do not want to. Too much activity can be hard on somebodys body. If the tournament directors can get many people regularly to keep them running, I would say go for it.

  • I think weekend tournaments are okay and that if the kid really does like the sport and is good then they should have an option to go to the tournments or not. I think they are reasonalbe more people can go watch and not be busy during the week.

  • Yes, I think that high school sports should have weekend tournaments. For example if you play a game on the weekend you get another day of practice. The only sport that should stay on a friday is football. You can play in a football game and then have 2 days to recover. 

    • I don't agree personally I think that the weekend tournaments can be hard on your body and you could be competing in a lot of games in one weekend.

  • I think having tournaments on weekends is fine. The kids are signing up for the sport knowing what they are signing up for. I get that they take a lot of time and we are already in school all week and they only have 2 days off. If it were optional you could get the kids that really want to be there and compete instead of the ones that don't want to.

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