Do curfews keep teens out of trouble?

      The 12 A.M. curfew for 14-18 and the 10 P.M. curfew for 13 years or younger has been around for over a decade. It started in December 2009 for the purpose of keeping teens out of public places between set hours. The curfew law says that “ teens under the age of 18 cannot be on public grounds such as public parks, schools or vacant car lots until 6 a.m.” It was also made a thing to stop juvenile crimes.

      The breaking of the curfew will result in a curfew fine. It will be fined to your parents even if they didn’t know you were out. The focus of the curfew is to stop unsupervised minors to stop committing crimes around the place they live. Law enforcement thinks that enforcing the curfew that will create an environment with fewer crimes and keep kids out of trouble.

      I personally think that the curfew is dumb on my part. I'm not going to do anything that will get me in trouble no matter the time. To stop more of the crime that is happening after curfew is if the kids have something bad on their record then they should have a set curfew. By doing this it would stop more of the crime but let the other minors be out longer knowing they won’t do anything wrong. 


Do you think there should be a curfew?


What time do you think the curfew should be?




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  • I don't think there should be a curfew. It doesn't do anything to stop anybody since you don't get caught if you're driving safely. Also, there are times when people have to be out past curfew, and there are a lot of reasons to justify being out past 12. 

    • I agree because sometimes people do have to be out past curfew.

  • I don't really think curfews do anything, and I don't think that it stops anything from happening either. Just because it's not okay to be out at a certain time doesn't mean people are going to stay inside or not do illegal things inside, so it kind of defeats the purpose. Plus a lot of people have to be out driving because of work or things like that after the imposed curfew.

  • I don't think there should be a curfew because just because it's after a certain time doesn't mean people will stay out of trouble. I also don't agree with the driving curfew after a certain time because just because I'm driving doesn't mean I'm doing something illegal.

    • I agree with you that time doesn't mean people will get in more trouble.

  • I feel that kids don’t follow the curfew even when there is one in place. I feel kids will stay out as long as they want no matter what their curfew is. However I do feel that there still should be a certain time when everybody has to be home. I feel that parents have their own curfews for their kids which may be later than the town curfew. So if the kid is following their parents curfew I see no problem with them staying out a little past the town curfew.

  • I don't think there should be a curfew. Even if there is a curfew kids will still be out late past the curfew and can get in trouble for that. I think that the noise thing is enough. You should be able to stay out later than 12 am if you are quite enough. 

    • I agree with you that there should not be a curfew.

  • I don't think there should be a curfew because I feel like even when there is a curfew the kids will still tend to break it. I feel like if there is one it should be around like 1am for everyone of all ages. I think that kids should be able to enjoy as much time as they want out with their friends and be able to enjoy their highschool years. I also believe that if the teens are caught out past curfew then it should be up to their parents to help decide about tickets and stuff especially if they know their kids are out. 

    • I agree with you that kids still break the curfew even though there is one in place.

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