A sheriff in Richland County, South Carolina was fired for drinking and totaling his police cruiser. Michael Mazerolle was fired April 16, for violating a department policy. The officer was injured in an accident April 1st and was found with alcohol in his system. The officer didn't get any criminal charges filed against him and was rehired in February 2021. It wasn't the firs ttime that the officer had gotten into a wreck, in August, 2019, he was driving home and suddenly hit something, thinking it was an animal. When he got out of his vehicle he found a man laying on the ground.


Do you think the officer was punished enough?

Do you think he should've gotten rehired?

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  • This is a brief story summary which is not what I am looking for Jace. I am looking for more of your opinions and thoughts. Also, be sure to reply to students comments as it's worth 30 points.

  • I think the police officer should of had a punishment big or small he needed to have one. If you hit a person you should lose your license for a long time and you shouldn't be rehired that's not right. Did the man he hit die? Did the man that he hit sue him or did the police officer get suspended?

  • I do not think that he got punished enough I think he should of got charged with alcohol in his system and drive if that was a diffrent person and not a cop i think they probaly would of got charged with somthin. I also dont think he should of go rehired because of how much things he has hit and plus he is not following the law so I dont think he should be a cop if he dosnt even follow the law.

  • I do not think that they should of rehired him, because he has caused that much damage when he were supposed to be protecting us. I just don't think that it was a good idea to let him have his job back because he could be a danger to people. 

  • I dont think he shouldve gotten rehired because if he did it once he's probably going to do it again because history repeats itself. I also don't agree with him not getting any criminal charges just because hes an officer he shouldnt get treated different. If that was anybody they wouldve got some charges but because this guy didn't it's just gonna start problems

  • After being that reckless and cauing all that damage there is no way you should get your job back. He should not be a cop anymore because he is a danger to the citizens he is supposed to serve. He also shouldn't have been let off because that teaches him nothing.

  • I dont think he should have been rehired, I get people can change but why risk putting someone that is soposed to be protecting us back on the roads so he could potenialy harm us. Being a police officer he knows how much harm drinking and driving can do so I dont get how he could do it. He should not have been rehired.

  • I don't think they should have rehired the officer because he had a history of getting in accidents, and he could get in another one and hurt more people. I think he should have been completely fired and faced charges for what he did.

  • No, For what he has done he should at least have a few charges and a big fine for drving while intoxicated plus he is an officer he should be smarter than this. No He should have lost his job and a chance at any other jobs aswell.

  • I don't know how you can be rehired after being caught drinking and driving in your own patrol car. As a police officer you need to set a good example for the people around you, and you need to follow the rules that you yourself are supposed to be enforcing, not breaking. 

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