Cloning is it ethical and is it useful

 Everyone has seen one of those movies that had someone get cloned and remembers everything in their past life. Well that would not happen in real life in today's time we have only cloned animals. The First ever animal that was cloned was a sheep named Dolly. To make Dolly they take a mammary gland from Finn Dorset sheep and an egg cell from a Scottish Blackface Sheep. Once normal development was confirmed in a lab at six days, the embryo was transferred into a surrogate mother. In the future cloning could be very helpful like how cloning has the potential to contribute to improvements in veterinary and human medicine. Human cloning strategies might provide future therapies for severe, incurable disease. Any stem cell can turn into any tissue given the appropriate conditions. So over all it could save lives we could clone more stem cells and that could save more lives if they were more available. But there could be cons of, cloning is not entirely safe and accurate. Also some people call it unethical, and the probability of abuse is very high.

Overall I think cloning could be useful like getting organs from people who can clone the origins. Also cloning could be good for hunters like cloning the best deer and other animals and also cloning and producing good animals.


What do you think cloning would be used for in the future?

What are your overall thoughts on cloning.

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  • I think that they could clone plants and stuff like that. I think that if they made something to double the production of crops and stuff like that then it could be good. I think clonning is cool but if it is in the wrongs hands it could be bad.

  • I think that there are many pros and cons to this topic. I think that cloning is very cool and can be used, however, I feel that us humans will use it in ways that it shouldn't be used. Also, I think thatwe would be playing a role that is not up to us, but up to God.

  • I think cloning would be good and bad at the same time. People could use it to bad things, but it could also be use in like factories. Cloning would be good if we use it for work purposes. I think this could be a possiblilty in the future because look what we have now.

  • I think some cloning might be ok. but eventually, it wouldn't be. If people have the same gene or animals, and they mate with other things that have the same genes it can cause mutations. Would it eventually become Incest? Even then, would two clones that reproduce produce the same offspring? So if a wife and a husband clone, and they mated would the offspring of both clones and real be twins or related? 

  • I think that it is not ethical, but in some sucomstances it could be useful. Like star wars if we need a army or if you are trying to bring back a animal speiceis from the dead. But I think that it should not be aloud and it is not our decietion to play in gods roll. 

  • I think that cloning can be useful in the future but I don't think it will be used a lot because it causes the population to not have any variety of species. I think it can help fight any diseases or improve technology but I personally wouln't like to clone someone or something.

  • I dont think that cloning will be used a lot in the future because everyone will want to clone thair dog or family memeber. I think that cloning is not necessary and it acts like God by bringing people back or producing animals in a lab instead of naturally. Overall I would never use cloning in the future or anytime.

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