Child Labor Laws

Child labor laws started in 1938. However the first time that child labor laws were brought up was in 1813. Child labor laws were first created too not put kids health at risk. Child labor laws are in place too keep kids safe and make sure they get a good education. In the U.S. these laws were put into place to stop businesses from having young kids work for them. The child labor law was named The Fair Labor Standards Act. This law sets the minimum age for work at 14 and limits the number of hours kids can work so many hours a week and depending if school is in session or not in session the hours vary. During school hours 14 and 15 year olds can only work 28 hrs a week and not before 7 am or after 9pm. 14 and 15 year olds during summer can work 40 hrs a week. 


These laws weren’t made just for how many hours kids can work. They also control what you can and can’t do during your job. Under the age of 18 you’re not allowed to operate heavy machinery. 14 and 15 year olds are not allowed to operate anything hotter than 140 degrees. Each state can have their own rules but still have too follow by the federal laws. 


The last time the child labor laws was updated was on May 18th, 2016. It set overtime regulations. 


  It's not just about rules and regulations. It's about protecting kids. By making sure kids aren't overworked and are able too do school work, child labor laws help them get better education but still teaching them about having jobs. By having a job when you're a teenager it prepares you for the future. 


I think child labor laws are good. It provides safety and making sure we aren’t overworked with work and still having too do school work. But by having a job now it just prepares me for the job I get in the future. 


Do you think child labor laws are good?

Do you have a job?,provisions%20also%20provide%20limited%20exemptions,reading%2C%20writing%2C%20and%20arithmetic


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  • Great topic choice and well done on your summary Tobi! The issue is you only replied one time and that is worth 30 points. Your story was also posted a bit late.

  • I think that some of the laws can be good because they insure that kids arn't over worked especialy during the school year when they need to be getting home work done and don't have time to work until 11pm. I work at Do it Best.

  • Yes, I think they are so important, beacuse they cannot be overexploiting the children when really at a young age their duty is only to go to school and work at it, to do their homework, and outside of education they can help their families at home, but a official job and that they are doing it alone and apart from the fact that there are many hours it is already hard for everyone, or at least that's what I think.

  • Yes, because it is important to expose children to the workforce at the right age so that they are aware of what is to come from having a job when they get older. So that they aren't lagging in life. No, I do not have a job currently but I am in the process of getting a job.

  • I think child labor laws are pretty good, as far as i know, when young people work, the work is safe and are not harming. It is obviously better than it was before, it used to be awful.

  • Yes, I think they are good, because in some way they reduce or put limits on the work that can be given to a child, in addition, it is mentioned that they keep children safe and sure of having a good education. I don't have a job yet.

  • Child labor are good. Yes I do have a job.

  • I think that they are good because it shows kids work. I do have a job I work at the golf course in the summer and  work for my dad the rest of the year which is farming both in the field and with cattle.

  • I think child labor laws are good because kids shouldn't have to work at such a young age, I do think that kids should be able to work as some kids need to help support their families. I don't have a job yet but i am planning on getting a job after I'm done with sports.

  • I think the new child labor laws are way better than the old ones. I do have a job.

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