Banning transgenders in sports

Over the past week the Kentucky legislature has passed a ban to prevent  transgender women from competing in women's sports. The lawmakers who voted for this ban were protecting the fairness in athletics and protecting girls sports. Thursday afternoon the bill was passed in a 26-9 vote with only a few democrats and republicans voting against it. This has caused many uproars with the lgbtq civil rights organizations. They say that this policy will put trans children’s mental health even more at risk. 

Kentucky is not the only ones who have passed this policy, 19 other states have. This has not happened in Iowa yet. I think it should because if Iowa or any state lets transgender Women compete in women's sports we will be overtaken. For example, Lea Thompson before she transitioned to a woman was ranked 462 in the men's division. After she transitioned she was 1 for girls. This was a big change for the women because instead of going against other women they now have to compete with a biological man. So now not even a woman can win women's swimming. The trans rights activists say that Lea is taking estrogen and is losing muscle and becoming more like a woman. Although Lea might be taking estrogen it still takes over 3 years to fully lose a little bit of muscle and they cant be working out for the first year. So Lea Thompson is still working out and not losing any muscle from transitioning. Kentucky made this policy based on the fact that they do not want their Women's sports to be taken over by transgender, or biological men. 

In my opinion I think that every state needs to have this policy. Or the states should have individual trangender male and female sports. I think that the more men transition to women and compete in our sports the more women's sports will be taken over by biological males. ITs already happening. For example women of courage award was presented by Jill Biden to democratic legislator Leigh Finke. She was a transgender woman. So not even women can win women of the year.,on%20the%20lookout%20for%20osteoporosis.)


Should transgenders compete in their transitioning sports?

Should transgenders have their own category to compete in and was Kentucky right for passing that policy?

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  • No, transgenders should not be able to compete in their transitioning sports because it is unfair against everyone else that is competing. They should either have to stay in their actual gender, or there should be a new catagory for them.

    • I agree that it is unfair to women.

  • I don't think that transgender in sports should be banned but they should have their own catagory. I think that banning transgenders in sports would be taking their rights away. I don't think it is right or people should be able to change their gender though.

    • I agree that if they want to join a sport it should be their own catagory.

  • Personally, in most situations, I do not think it is fair to allow somebody who was biologically born a male to compete in women's sports. It would be an unfair advantage as most of the time  biological men are physically stronger than women. It would also not be fair to the women who have worked their whole to excel in their sport.

    • I agree that it isnt fair to allow a biological male to trasition to a women and compete in their sports.

  • I think transgenders should stay in the sport of their biological gender just for fairness. If I was a woman competing in a sport I care so much about and have worked so hard on and a trans person just completely destroys the competition than I would probably just quite. Whats the point of competing if it won't really matter.

    • I agree that it can destroy womens sports if we keep letting it happen.

  • I feel like we should make them have their own bracket for sports. as a male, I wouldn't mind if naturally-born women competed in male sports, but as you said, naturally-born males are usually stronger than naturally-born females. if you aren't allowed to take steroids in sports then a naturally born man shouldn't be allowed to compete in women's sports with naturally higher testosterone levels.

    • I agree that if transgenders wont compete in their biological sport then they should have a different catagory for sports.

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