Bad cat food sold nation wide!

This cat food that is being sold nation wide is affecting humans and cats. Utah is selling this product and it is being mixed with slamnella. With people serving this contaminated food, they can get animals sick and other humans. People don't awash their hands so when they just feed the cats out of Utah's product, it will get the animal and your self sick. It cause infections the dogs stomach and cause them to die, if people are not care full. 

What would you do if you saw someone giving food to a cat and they didn't wash their hands?

I would tell them to wash their hands cause if they got that cat sick it could die.

Do you think Utah can fix these problems with their cat food company?

I think yes they could eventually fix theirs preoblem but make the food less contaminated with stuff.



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  • If I knew cats and people were getting sick by this particular food, I would try and let them know they need to wash their hands, but otherwise I do not think I would say anything. Once people find out this food is getting many cats and humans sick, nobody will want to buy their product even if they change up their food. 

  • If I saw someone giving food to a cat and they didn't wash their hands, I probably wouldn't say anything. I wouldn't know if the food was bad, and if I did, I would tell them not to feed their cat that food. They can definitely fix this problem. They need to make better cat food and probably recall the food that is contaminated.

  • I agree i would wash my hands so the I did not make the cat sic or kill it. Yes but now pwoplw are hearing about it they wont sell there food well beacuse nobody wants bad food the only way they could fix it is by staying clean and being good with the food till it is good.

  • I would tell them to wash their hands because they could get sick and it's also gross if you don't. I think the could fix this problem but it's going to take awhile and the damage has already been done.

  • I would also tell them to wash their hands, in order to keep everyone safe. Having a sick cat is a hard thing to deal with, especially if you are sick as well. I do think that Utah can fix these problems, but it make take some time and effort.

  • This would be very sad to go through, I could see the food company having a lot of lawsuits coming their way soon. From reading your story above, it sounds as if the humans not washing their hands before they fed the animal would give them salmonella. Although this is what you said, I am wondering if it was misunderstood. Personally, I have never heard of a human's hands giving a pet salmonella. From my knowledge, I believe that the article meant the person needs to wash their hands AFTER they feed the dog and touch the dog food. I could be wrong, but this is what I am wondering. I do agree that the company could fix this though. They just need to have safer conditions and make sure not to cross contaminate at their plants. 

    • Im sure they do have many lawsuits, which is probably hard for them to deal with. If the company really wants to have more sales and not lose profit, they will definitely need to fix their problems. Starting with no cross contamination like you stated.

  • I completely agree with you because I would not want the animals to get sick.

  • I would probelly not think much of it becasue I do it myself all the time and im pretty sure alot of people do it it so I woulent really care or saything. I think they can they just need to have a recall on all the cat food that has been shipped out slave the problem and reship the food and have the news warn people to becareful and wash your hands as much as possible espically before feeding your pets. 

  • I agree that warning them of what could happen if they didn't wash their hands would be very helpful and maybe even help prevent sickness if it's the cat food from the Utah company. I hope that there will be steps taken to fix the problem with the cat food and I think they can fix it. I think it's already been recalled. 

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