Artificial Turf Vs. Natural Grass



     There has been a lot of debate on whether natural grass or artiifical turf is better in lawns, playing fields for sports, etc. There are definitely pros and cons to both. Artificial turf is increasing in many places especially football fields, baseball fields, and even some yards. We will look at the pros and cons of both so you can decide which one you think is better or which one you prefer.

     We will start with artificial turf. To begin, artificial turf can be expensive to install and isn't biodegradeable. It can also trap bacteria in warm and wet climates and it can get very hot on warm days. There is less give in artificial turf as well. This causes many knee and ankle injuries and many turf burns. However, turf requires very little maintenance and eliminates fertilizers, pesticides, etc. It also always looks healthy and is ready all year round which helps people in super dry climates. It can last a long time and there are many varieties of color and types of turf as well.

     Natural grass has many pros and cons as well. First off, you can't beat the look and feel of a nicely mowed lawn or field. Growing grass is cheaper than turf and it is also better for the environment. There is more give on natural grass causing less injuries in sports the playing surface is cooler. Some cons of natural grass is that it needs to be mowed, watered, fertilized, which can take a while and be difficult to maintain. It also can't be used all year round.

     I personally like natural grass better. I like taking care of it and putting a little extra work in and think it looks better. However, turf is nice because it can be used all the time.


What do you prefer?

Have you ever played on turf?

Does turf or natural grass look better to you?





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  • Another thing to consider is that turf might be cheeper becuase someone has to mow the grass and possiable water the grass so that price might add up to be about the same as turf. I am not sure which I prefer because I only have played a few times for marching band and I do know that grass can be a bit harder to march on because it is not always level. I think that turf looks better but it gets annoying when it gets in shoes and cars.

  • I belive grass would be better as long as its not so prickly and its more smooth. I've never played on turf but I have been on it and its kinda not something i'd like to play on daily but it will do. Still I would prefure grass because its just better in my opinion.

  • I prefer grass as long as it is a smooth field and not rough, I have played on both grass and turf and I think that grass is better because the ground wont move when you step on it and then you can do what yoiu wanted and it wont change while you are doing that think.

    • I agree with you. The only thing I don't like is when it's super dry but it is definitely softer usually.

  • I've never played on turf but I feel like it's the better option. It looks cleaner and it doesn't get all gross when it storms like natural grass does. Turf also lasts longer and doesn't need a lot of maintenance done to it like mowing and "replanting".

  • I don't know which one I prefer I think there is a lot of pros and cons for both. I don't play any sports that play on the football field but I have played games with friends on both. I think that turf looks better and more neat since it doesn't grow or get uneven. 

  • I like the way the grass feels underfoot more and how it doesn't get in your shoes, but turf has better traction and it is less matinence. Overall I'd pick turf because it can be used all year and it's little matinence. Turf looks a lot better all year since it doesn't die, turn brown, or wilt.

  • I liked playing on turf more because its always softer than regular ground and it doesn't get holes and dips as easy. The main thing about turf, though, is turf burns and how messy it can be. A rolled or sprained ankle can take you out of the game, turf burns just hurt.

    • I definitely agree. Turf burns are not fun and the little pebbles can get annoying. There are very few well maintained grass fields but the ones that are can be super nice to play on however.

  • I have played on turf and grass. I think that the natural grass is safer to play on. However, I think that turf plays faster. Grass has more give to it so it prevents injuries in a way. I like playing on turf because the play is faster. I feel like we can play on turf because we don't play as fast as the college and pr teams.

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