Are there more than two genders?

Are there really more than two genders? Lately our younger generations around the world have been evolving, and finding their way into self discovery; some even believe there are  more than two genders. According to Harvard Business Review, 25 percent of all Gen Z around the world have changed their gender identity at least once in their lifetime. In Fact this generation is three times more likely to change their gender identity than older generations.


.Science shows that there are only two gametes, sperm, and egg cells, the two types of sex steroids. Hormone sex steroids play an important role, but all the mechanisms of each of the steroids are not fully understood yet because female and male sex steroids are not as similar.


Personally, I don’t believe there are more than two genders. There is no scientific evidence that there can even be more than two genders. However, I don’t care if others identify as something other than male or female, their life, and decisions, don’t concern me. 

Do you think there are more than two genders? 

Do you know anyone who identifies as something other than male or female?

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  • I think that there are 2 genders. I believe if you are born a male or a female then thats you gender and I don't think that can be changed. People can say that they are different genders, but science only proves that there are 2 genders. 

    • Yeah, most people have no proof that there are more than 2 genders. x

  • Well how I'll explain this in my view is there are 3 sexes and whatever you want to make a gender sure go for it as long as its not huting or offending anyone. The 3 biological sexes are Female, Male, and Intersex. Intersex is more rare but it still counts in my opinion, its basically just where someone has both female and male parts if you didn't know. Those are what you're born with or what you're in the system as. However I believe if someone wants to go by pronouns such as they/them or xe/xim etc. I don't see how its effecting anyone to just call them that? I go by they/them but I'm often called she/her pronouns which I'm not really that bothered with I'd just feel more comfortable if you'd call me they/them. Pronouns are a basic part of the human language, Of course it differs but I believe that people shouldn't be shamed on whatever they identify as, I identify as genderfluid and when I'm with a woman I'm more masculine, when I'm with a man I'm more feminine. That's just who I am.

    • While I agree with you that there are intersex people, they share male and female parts, proving my point even more, there are only two genders. 

  • Gender identity and scientific gender/gender orientation are two different things. Scientifically, there are two genders, based on the make-up of your x and y chromosomes. Gender identity is what you go by, like cisgender, genderfluid, nonbinary, and many more. Say if you are transgender, you can not change your genetic makeup, but you can change many other things about yourself, based on how you identify. 

    • Yes, scientifically there are only two genders, but most people identify as whatever they feel they should be.

  • No, I do not think that there are more then two genders. If you are a boy your a boy vise-versa with a girl to me it just doesnt make sense for others to think that there are more then two. 

    • Yes, I don't really understand why some people come up with made up genders, when in reality there's only two. 

  • I agree, there are only two genders. People need to realize that you are eithe born a man or women. You cannot change your gender. Some may choose to identify as something different. Even if you identify as something different you are still what you were born as. There are two genders. 

    • I agree with you on this, but I personally don't care what people identify as, male or female, but to me those are the only genders. 

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