Are holidays becoming more commercialized?

Around the world there are many holidays, but do you think some of these are becoming more commercialized, and are losing their true meaning? Across the world, there are about 122 diverse holidays, from celebrating our ancestors and people who have made discoveries to changing the world, religion, and days to be with the ones you love.

To begin with, a holiday is a national day to celebrate, where people are allowed to stay away from work or school. The US has 12 federal holidays from New Year's Eve to Christmas. For other ethnicities, there is Easter for Christians, the High Holy Days for Jews, Ramadan for Muslims, the Day of Vesak for Buddhists, and Diwali for Hindus. People don't like holidays because they don't like giving to big companies.

People think that holidays are becoming more commercialized because of the big companies. Companies have brought up many faces for these holidays instead of the people or what the holiday is actually about, such as the Santa Clause whose story comes from St. Nicholas of Bari a bishop who was very generous and gave gifts to the kids, the Easter Bunny who German immigrants introduced, cupid who comes from ancient Roman and the jack-o lantern comes from an Irish folktale about a man named Stingy Jack. The true meaning of Christmas is Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and It's an opportunity to pause and give thanks for the love, hope, and joy found in Jesus, but companies see it as an opportunity to get the most possible money,  big companies can make up more than a billion dollars in the Christmas/thanksgiving dates. Companies use these mascots to sell more things. People around the world sometimes don't even care about the true meaning of the holiday since they've been more commercialized and only care about the things it gives you.On christmas you get gifs and you gift stuff to people, some kids just wait until it Christmas to get gifts instead of being in there because of the true meaning. Halloween is all about candy and giving money to big candy and costume factories, but the true meaning is a  religious celebration to welcome the harvest at the end of summer which makes Halloween commercialized because it's being sold by the big companies as dress-up and get-candy day. 

I think that some holidays are very commercialized like Christmas when they always persuade you to not be a Scrooge and get a certain product and it kinda of pushes you to buy your mom something because she needs it, to continue I also think that some holidays have lost their true meaning because people don't even reunite for what it is about, I will get it if you are other religion but Christmas is also about being reunited with the ones you love, not pushing yourself to buy super expensive things.



Do you think holidays are becoming commercialized?


Which holiday do you like the most?


Do you think that some holidays have lost their true meaning because of the influence of big companies?



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    • I definitely agree with you because nowadays holidays just revolve around the items and forgetting the true meaning of the holiday, which is kind of sad because it's just because companies trying to make more money because of seasonal items or other things.  

  • I think holidays are good for familyt because it get familys together more. I enjoy the chirstmas time because it cold and you cfan set infront of the firer place with your family. 

    • I also enjoy Christmas time because I get to be with my family, and I also get to experience the cold weather and the snow that is my favorite because when I was in Mexico there wasn't any snow at all. 

  • I miss the good old days of just enjoying the Christmas season. It used to be so fun just looking at the lights on the trees and wondering what I would get for Christmas. But now all I see are commercials and people using the Christmas season to get more sales. I think people have lost the true meaning of Christmas. Food. But anyway, I think there shouldn't be as much of wave of more shopping commercials as there was before. I like Halloween the most.

    • I also miss the old days of enjoying the Christmas season, just hanging around with my family, having Christmas dinner, and seeing what my cousins and  I got, I also agree that nowadays there are a ton of commercials even more than when I was younger, I remember seeing the good old toy commercials, but now it is about everything and even things that are not practical at all but you might need it because it was originally $400 but now is on $100. I wish that companies calmed down a bit with the commercialization of holidays. 

  • I believe that holidays have become too commercialized in this modern-day. I believe that holidays have become too commercialized in this modern-day because people have started to talk about stuff like savings and stuff instead of the actual holiday.

    • I agree because people care about how much money they are going to save or give at Christmas instead of being together with family or the people that they love and celebrate the holiday.

  • I do think that most holidays are becoming commercialized and being used to sell products to people. Don't get me wrong, I love seasonal candles and ice-cream flavors and all that, but there is always so much. I think that some holidays have lost their meaning with large companies trying to make a profit off of them.

    • I totally agree because even though I love the things companies sell us, I think that there is an abuse of how many things they produce, everything has to be peppermint or pumpkin spice flavor I like the flavor but why would I want pumpkin spice toothpaste, and also definitely some holidays have lost their meaning because of the things companies do to trying to make a profit.

  • I love the holidays and I love opening gifts on Christmas morning but I agree latley I feel that the holidays are a lot more commercialized than they used to be. I think many are starting to forget what the holidays are really about. 

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