Are AirPods Bad for Your Ears?

      There are a lot of different opinions based on whether or not wearing airpods damage your hearing. Some websites claim that they can be bad for your hearing because they create a seal that doesn't allow any outside sounds in so the music or sounds go straight into your ear which can be damaging after long periods. Wearing airpods a lot can also cause chafing of your skin, itchiness, and possibly ear pain. If you put your airpods too far in your ear it can start to hurt your ear cartilage or irratate your skin. The noise cancellation can put pressure on your ears which can be painfull for some people. 

     Although there are some people who think airpods are damaging to your ears there are also people who think they're perfectly fine. There are different websites that state that wearing airpods is perfectly fine as long as you don't have them in for too long or the sound too loud. They also say the sound waves for the noise cancellation don't effect your hearing or anything.  


Do you think AirPods are bad for your hearing?

How often do you wear AirPods?

Do AirPods hurt your ears after a short or long period of time?

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  • I think that AirPods are bad for your ears if you don't turn the volume down. I have also heard that the waves from the bluetooth can be harmful but I am not completely sure. AirPods hurt my ears if I have it too loud for a while.

  • I think that if any noise is too loud, then it is bad for you. I do now own AirPods but I do have some bluetooth earbuds that I use, and I use them often. After I wear them for a very long time, they do start to hurt my ears, so what I do is swicth which ear it's in because I only wear one at a time.

  • Yes airpods hurt my ears after wearing them for a long time because they start rubbing on my ears when I am listen to music. In my opinion using headphone instead of using airpods it's must better they don't hurt my ears as bad as my airpods.

  • As long as you don't listen to music too loudly it shouldn't be an issue. I wear earbuds a lot when I'm at the gym and I've never found that it affects my hearing in any way. There are some people who listen to music loudly with only one airpod in, which is probably even worse. 

  • I don't think that AirPods are bad for your hearing but I think that having them in all day could affect them and having the volume all the way up could affect them. I don't have AirPods but I do use different ones I don't like the way they fit into my ear and I'm afraid of them falling out and losing them. 

  • I think that any type of headphones or earbuds can damage your ears depending on how loud the volume is. If the sound level were to be normal or low in theory it shouldn't hurt your ears. I feel that a company wouldn't sell a product that can damage someone's ears when used correctly.

  • I dont think airpods are bad for your hearing becasue I dont think they get loud enough to hurt your ears. I wear my aripods about every day. Airpds never hurt my ears and I hope they never will hurt my ears.

  • I think that airpods could be bad for your ears if you have the volume on max. I personally think that they arn't because I don't have mine on max volume. I wear my airpods mostly everyday. If im wearing my airpods while im laying on my ear then it starts to hurt but other then that they dont hurt my ears.

  • I think that AirPods can have an effect on your hearing, but that is no different than any type of headphones. I wear AirPods very rarely like when going on a road trip. I have not noticed any effect on my earing from Airpods. However, I think that if you are constantly wearing them then they could have a different effect. 

  • I think that AirPods aren't necessarily bad for your hearing, they are just like every other headphone. I think that if someone were to wear them literally 24/7 it would be bad on the ears. If you were to wear them once or twice a day, they aren't going to mess up your hearing. I wear mine two or three times a week and I have not noticed any change in my hearing. 

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